Gefängnis Filme, und Filme die man gesehen haben muss?
Hello there,
Also ich bin grade den Film “die verurteilten” am gucken und ich muss feststellen obwohl der Film 5 Jahre bevor ich geboren wurde, Releases wurde, ist er ein absoluter Banger.
Ebenso habe ich der Pate und scarface sehr gefeiert und jetzt bin ich schon fast der Meinung dass das goldene Zeitalter der Filme vielleicht vor meiner Existenz zu Ende ging..
Gibt es denn noch irgendwelche Filme die man unbedingt gesehen haben sollte die vor der Jahrtausend Wende gedreht wurden, die ihr einem 99er Baujahr dringend ans Herz legen würdet?
Ps: bin vorerst für alle vorschläge offen, egal welches Genre
I wouldn’t say you had to see this, but the series “Prison Break” is quite entertaining. It wouldn’t have made me sleepless nights if I hadn’t seen the show.
Yeah, I saw them too. Absolute recommendation
Against the Wall ( True Story Movie about a prison revolt) with Samuel Leroy Jackson
Brubaker with Robert Redford ( True Story Film ).
The Rock ( action film with prison )
The Green Mile is a must
The rattle snake is older but still really well done.
I would also recommend one flying over the cuckoo nest.
That would be my classics that come up with me. The Misfits series that are not in jail but must be dismissed social hours but is quite funny implemented 😅
many have been listed here that I do not want to repeat again. so just two more
1. Papillon with Steve McQueen and Dustin Hoffman
Two. The green Mile
3. Escape from Alcatraz
4. The Indifference
Five. The rattle snake
Brubaker is highly recommended.
spun chains
The Indifference
American History X
The experiment
The life of David Gale
Papillon must be seen from 1973. the new filming is also good!
Escape from Alcatraz, there are 2 films, a very old and one with Clint eastwood. The first is from 1962 and the second with Eastwood 1979
Escape Plan – cool movie with New Year’s Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
The film: The Condemned – is of course one of the best films ever.
Maybe not in the order, but you have the mainstream.
Prison Break!
Escape in chains.