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Just aus Interesse.
There are also some bad sides of Japan…Many things that are incomprehensible, cumbersome or simply unsightly. But that’s how I like the country. In every country there are good and not so good things.
Unfortunately, I only know Japan from movies. Would like to fly to Japan.
Especially the north did it to me. Hokkaido, too.
The mountains are similar to our Alps.
I also find most Japanese very sympathetic.
I’ve never been there. But what I saw in the media, yes.
Why, unfortunately?
Yeah, because I’d like to go there to make a few weeks vacation.
Doesn’t like their appearance, their films don’t and their land also don’t, their music is not a total dislike, but I don’t know why it is.
For her they can look nothing
Yeah, but I can’t explain why I have such a dislike. 🤷
No, I don’t do that
I see. Well, as long as you’re not unfriendly to them or badly talk about them because of your dislike,
More like the Japanese
Based on
Japan I find very horny but I wouldn’t want to live there! I prefer here in Croatia 😉
It’s cool but not a fanboy