Dangerous to touch wild birds?
Yesterday (August 2nd, 2019) I picked up a wild bird because it flew against my window and I "took care of it" and then it flew away.
I forgot to wash my hands, and it's 2 a.m. here, and I'm worried I might have caught some kind of disease or even parasites (you never know), since I live in Belgium near Eupen. Do you know if there are any diseases affecting birds in Belgium this season, and how dangerous they are at the moment?
Would be nice if I get an answer and thanks in advance
I think that you didn’t just go on, but you took care of the bird. Thank you.
And no, you don’t have to worry. There’s nothing happening. Of course you should wash your hands – as a precaution. But if you forget, it’s not tragic.
Hello, as long as you subsequently washed your hands and didn’t touch your mouth, etc. big scratched / reached, you shouldn’t worry!
Best regards Rodium
The problem I had forgotten to wash my hands
No problem not to have been the main thing with the fingers at the mouth, or others (wet areas).
Best regards Rodium
I was very close and after 3 hours, I was showering my routine
There’s nothing happening at all
Okay, well, I’ll always take care of it
If he didn’t use his grippers, it’s okay.
Did you ever hear anyone died after he touched a wild bird? There are millions of hunters in Europe who shoot birds, touch them after they have been caught and sometimes even eat. Why would you suffer because you touched a bird?