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1 year ago

The structure is good, sensible, the content partly wrong, partly illogical, partly well hit. Overall note, however, is only sufficient to inadequate.

Just a few suggestions:

  • Try to find logical terms: What’s up? What’s up? What or who is? What summarizes, shows on the individual example? etc.
  • You know what? Eggs at all means, for example, the intentionally superficial, which is therefore only stupid; the exterior as the only value; the artificial beauty determined by the mass or group; the smoothed, monotonous, colourless, therefore only bored without any depth; the chic, which is usually only decaying fashion or even expression of mental illness; the urge for new, not for better, etc. So you understand the poem better, I hope – also why we should read and study it today!
  • …and so also think about “God” around 1600 after: the patriarchate; the purchased wife whose value was only in work and in the bear for the husband – pater familiae; the man who did not count as a human being, only in his functions for the monarchist society: peasants, craftsmen, mercenaries, etc.
  • So put yourself in this unexplained, wary cruel time!
  • Vanitas does not mean vanity, but transience, probably inferiorness, because, however, meaninglessness, leads to superficiality, comfort, constant simplification for the boshaft dams, to the vanity of the ones formed on their cavities. DAS says this poem. Therefore, the call for Christian faith, to the content of charity, even love of enemies, care for his life, the life of others, not for animals, but for life in itself – in faith in the resurrection of Christians after death with a reward by Godfather, whose children are all (Christian) people.
  • And now, hopefully, you’re thinking much deeper.

Many thoughts, insights – and success in school!

1 year ago

I listened to this now and that sounded pretty good. If you can easily put something like this here as a text, then you don’t have such problems with the display and can also go directly to individual passages.