Gedicht ,,Unterwegs und wieder daheim“ von Theodor Fontane und ,,jetzt wohin?“ von Heinrich Heine?

Ich wollte fragen, ob mir jemand sagen könnte wieso das Gedicht ,,Unterwegs und wieder daheim“ dem bürgerlichen Realismus und das Gedicht ,, Jetzt wohin?“ dem frührealismus zuzuordnen werden kann? Falls jemand fragt das ich mich damit selbst beschäftigen soll: Ich habe mich damit schon beschäftigt sehe trotzdem nicht wieso die Gedichte so zugeordnet werden, wie sie zugeordnet werden.

hoffe auf Antwort 😉

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2 years ago


You can make the assignment here the simplest via the life data of the poets: Heinrich Heine’s work is assigned to the late romanticism or to the early realism, it is a transition between these two epochs. In contrast to romance and to bourgeois realism, early realism is characterized by a strong political commitment by the poets and poets who have been assigned to it, which is expressed in criticism of the exaggerated state society and oriented towards the ideals of the French Revolution. That’s why Heine went into exile to France. Typical for Heine’s poems is often irony, the topicalization of his exile and the spatial separation from his German homeland as well as criticism of conservative-reactionary attitudes – especially in the nobility and in the clergy.

Criticism about society and the state, on the other hand, are not common in bourgeois realism – which ends with the failure of the bourgeois democracy movement in 1848/1849. Early realism (also often called “premiere”) ends in 1850. In bourgeois realism, it is rather about the personal connection of poets to their homeland, often the lyrical I even completely dispenses with the fact that it is expressly mentioned and becomes tangible only as a silent observer who directs our view equally over the landscape shown.

Hope you can help.