Gedicht, Romantik und realistische Züge?


kennt ihr ein Gedicht , das eher in der Übergangszeit zwischen Romantik und Biedermeier entstanden ist und daher realistische Strömungen hat? Es müsste so sein, dass am Anfang romantische Motive zu finden sind, nach und nach aber realistische Züge vorkommen. Es ist nicht von Eichendorff, Novalis, Heine, Brentano oder Mörike. Vielen Dank für eure Hilfe! Da sollte das Thema Sehnsucht vorkommen und es sollte 3-4 Strophen haben.

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1 year ago

Hi :

I tried to find a poem that matches your criteria.

It’s not easy, but I discovered one that might fit. It is the poem “At the towersAnnette by Droste-Hülshoff.
It was 1842 is therefore part of the transition period between romance and Biedermeier. The poem deals with the longing of the lyrical ego for freedom and adventure, but this is limited by the social conventions and the role of the woman.

The poem has four verses with eight verses in each case, in the first three verses romantic motifs such as the storm, the waves, the ship and the nature are used to describe the prestiges of the lyrical ego.

In the last stanza, however, a realistic tone is struck, which makes clear the impossibility of these dreams. The poem thus shows a contrast between romance and realism, which is typical of the epoch.

Hope this helps you:)

1 year ago
Reply to  hussleroeder96

I was a bit skeptical, because the poem really shows romantic traits. I no longer remembered that at the end of the renunciation it was actually said. That’s why you can really see that. I learned something again.