Gedicht Form analysieren?

Wo in einem Gedicht analysiert man die Form also sozusagen, was die Form mit dem Inhalt zu tun hat. Ich weiß, dass man die Form in der Einleitung beschreibt aber analysiert man danach die Form direkt oder kommt das dann später im Hauptteil?

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1 year ago

You’ve addressed an absolutely delicate point. This usually does not speak German teaching. In most cases, this is a pure formality that rhythm should be determined at the beginning. This will never be discussed again afterwards. The whole thing also interests most writers, not at all. They just want their poem to be well built and sound good. People who scientifically analyze the poems afterwards usually have no idea how the authors are when they write. I know some and they just laugh about it. By chance, I found a poem last time, in which the rhyme was really well explained with regard to the content: sample-fuer-ein-complicated-reimschema-das-die-ausage-des-gedense-optimal-unterstuetzt

but this is the absolute exception.

interested pupils, can simply test their teaching power and ask them politely what exactly rhyme and rhythm have to do with the content of the poem.

1 year ago

Okay, so first in the introduction you briefly tell how the poem is built, so externally with verses and so.

Then, if you analyze the details, you will see how this shape affects the whole. Did the writer consciously do things to create a certain mood?

You can also check how the language connects to the form. How does this contribute to making the poem more effective?

Finally, you summarize everything briefly and explain why the form is important for the poem.