Gedicht aus der Neuen Sachlichkeit?

Hallo zusammen,

Ich suche ein Gedicht aus der Neuen Sachlichkeit mit dem Motiv “unterwegs sein” ich würde mich sehr über eure Antwort freuen.


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2 years ago

There would be one in Tucholsky’s “Augen in the Geoßstadt”, which on the gray streets of the city Travelling is:

Eyes in the city

When you go to work / early morning,

when you stand at the station / with your worries:

there shows the city / you asphaltglatt

in the human funnel / million faces:

Two strange eyes, a short glance,

the Braue, pupils, the Lider –

What was that?

Over, over, over, never again.


You go your life / on a thousand streets;
