Gedanken loswerden beim arbeiten/essen?
Heyy, ich hab beim Arbeiten immer extrem viele, meist negative, Gedanken und kann mich kaum konzentrieren. Es sind so viele Gedanken das ich nicht weis welche alle und ich mich auch nicht an alle erinnern kann.
Beim Essen hab ich auch immer Gedanken wie iss weniger oder pass auf, du wirst fett. Das hab ich seit 1-2 Wochen sehr häufig (seither esse ich wieder so viel wie ich auch sollte und auch zwischendurch wieder manchmal).
Hat jemand eine Idee, wie ich ohne viel Kraft aufzuwenden die Gedanken loswerden könnte?
I’m sorry that this is so extreme that the thoughts at work stop you from concentration.
In the evening, to get clarity, you can make notes about which topic it was about. You’ll talk to your therapist in the next therapy session.
In this case, behavioral therapy is the right thing that you get tips on what to do right at the moment when the thoughts roll over you, then you should follow 1:1, so it will be better.
You can regulate food with your own intellect.
You know that you need enough calories in puberty so that your body and brain can develop enough so that you don’t have a life-long bus. There really helps discipline and regular food intake.
Do not let you fall too deeply into the current situation, actively oppose it, discuss the behaviors in the therapy and set it right around at work.
I always think your mother will understand you and you should get a trusted person to the boat.
Good for you.
Thanks for the ⭐, I am very happy to see you all the best.
Also at work? Just there’s your head free because you’re focusing on your job. What are you doing professionally?
I can distract myself very well with little things. I then always create the possibilities of having fun and putting things on. Examples of this are: eraser rubber, metal rings for keys, stones and what else fits so comfortably in one hand.
Yes, very often at work. I am mostly alone and then the thoughts come.. I work on a farm where I do a lot with my hands, which does not always go the stuff mentioned, but I will try it!
Maybe it could help you sing, be it in your head.