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1 year ago

This is not detectable, if then personal experiences.

One reports that negative or positive thinking can also act directly on behavior. If you talk about courage and success, you could probably work out something more successful or more motivated.

If you’re looking forward to the day, you’ll probably get up faster and are more concentrated in a happy expectation.

You can also think sick because body and mind are connected indirectly, you know that mental illnesses can work on the body. I and a buddy once tried to “rethink” fever or elevated body temperature that really works. In my opinion, you can have thoughts of different strengths, the more “energy” you put in the thoughts (visualization etc.) the more likely is the “success”. However, this is not detectable and is therefore considered as esoteric/spiritualism and is a personal experience that everyone has to make.

I am able to think very powerful to merit, after all thinking and movement is energy/power. Even matter/persons/atoms hold together electromagnetically, which does not yet mean that you can change or create matter/persons with the thoughts. Where I personally had another experience that I will never forget.

1 year ago


I studied psychology, and in the technical language it is called a “self fulfilling prophecy”.

If you say, “I’ll get back to the job interview,” you’ve already set yourself to the failure and maybe you’ll really get it.

“I never find anyone” is also such a sentence, where you can imagine that you don’t have a chance anyway and then don’t even try.

And so on.

But what is hardly possible is that you get sick because you always think about it. You can’t get cancer because you’re afraid of cancer. You get more cancer because, for example, there are cancers in the family. Then one is afraid of it because one has experienced it with family members – but one does it because of the hereditary preload, not because of fear!

1 year ago

This depends on whether it is thoughts of people or those of our Creator. – Isaiah 55:8

1 year ago

No, not in this form.

But whoever thinks negative probably sees the negative rather than the positive. That’s why you’re getting the negative.