Gedanken an Nüsse loswerden?
Hallo liebe Community, ich mag leider keine Nüsse egal welche Sorte (ausgenommen gebrannte Mandeln) und gerade hab ich ein Bild einer Walnuss gesehen und schmecke den Nussgeschmack jetzt irgendwie automatisch in meinem Mund, wovon mir schlecht wird. Ich denke auch manchmal an Nüsse und dann wird mir davon schlecht, wie kann ich in Zukunft nicht mehr so oft an Nüsse denken?
Hi, I have seen the same problem as you and the picture just as well 🙈 either I would avoid any contact with musts (is not so easy) or get used to it, i.e. nuts as long as it becomes normal and won’t get weird with you. As long as you have no allergy, you could force yourself to eat a walnut for a short time (maybe unpleasant)
But maybe it’s not that bad.
Vllt you can write to me if something has helped you 🙃
LG and a nice day!
Just focus on something else – for example fruit varieties and what you can do with it.
Don’t think about elephants.
Lovely greetings
Eat them up! That could end your trauma.