Geburtsurkunde falscher Vater?

Meine Freundin hat ein Kind bekommen und ich bin mir sicher zu 99% dass es mein Kind ist sie hat meine Hautfarbe, meine Augenfarbe meine Nase aber sie hatte mich betrogen und ich hab gesagt wenn wir wieder in einer Wohnung sind mache ich das dazu ist aber nie gekommen sondern mein damaliger bester Freund hat die Vaterschaft anerkannt und die haben mich angezeigt wegen stalking weil ich bei ihr war und reden wollte wegen dem Kind

die Frage ist wenn ich vor Gericht gehen würde und sich herausstellt dass ich dann der Vater bin wäre das eine Urkundenfälschung ? Und wer müsste dann die Kosten zahlen und den dna Test. Ich weil ich die Anklage stelle? oder die beiden weil sie das Amt verarscht haben und den falschen Vater angegeben haben

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1 year ago

You feel cheated and right.

Nevertheless, you should just put your emotions back to your mother and ask yourself: Do I want to be a father for this child? Do I want to deny the courts, contest the paternity, and then complain? Or do you want to leave the paternity with all rights and obligations to the other man and profit from not having to pay any maintenance?

If you decide to be a father, you should quickly find a lawyer for family law.

1 year ago

the question is if I went to court and turns out that I am the father that would be a fake

No. the woman only gives to who is supposed to be the father. If she’s wrong, she can’t do anything.

Also cases where the old partner is happy anyway if he is not registered as a father. he didn’t want the child and doesn’t have to pay for it.

And who would have to pay the costs and the dna Tes

the person who commissioned the test.

If you do this through a judicial procedure then you have to pay who loses the process. He pays the costs of the proceedings

1 year ago

You can find out with some hair from the child whether it’s really your child.
On the Internet there are possibilities to make a DNA test anonymously.

1 year ago

No, it’s not a fake.

She gives to the presumed father who accepts paternity, that is something quite normal. Sex had the two obviously in the period.

If you think it’s your child, but she doesn’t want to talk to you and reject an unofficial paternity test, you’ll have to seek a paternity suit.

You should think about that.

You are then subject to maintenance, but not wished by the mother as a father. You will have to pay the maintenance when dealing with the child, but it will probably try to make as many difficulties as possible.

It is possible that the child will not have anything to do with you later, because the mother is just telling you badly. You have to pay anyway.

1 year ago
Reply to  Semir892

So you’ve successfully pushed your fatherhood.

Of course, you can’t force the relationship with her that she doesn’t want to force anymore.

I can’t see any kindness from you here, but if at all from your new friend.

The new one of yours has been thinking

Oh, you know, before we get angry with the idiot for years, I’m just gonna take the paternity.

You had your chance, now let the young family finally find your luck, and don’t get involved.

She’s not your girlfriend anymore, and she’ll never be like you’re wrong.

With the prehistory, it is also possible that the stalking ad is successful, and you can’t get closer to you in the future.

1 year ago

you’ll have to make a paternity appeal.

If you don’t do this, he’ll stay the father and be subject to maintenance. you’re out there.

only because you want to talk, no one is displayed, there is more

1 year ago
Reply to  Semir892

I just want to be there for my child

You had the chance when you were asked for the recognition of paternity.

You ruined it, you’re gonna stay out of it and let the three get happy together.

1 year ago

It’s about him being able to catch up with a paternity fight.

1 year ago

because he is not registered as a father, he has NO claims.

1 year ago

If he is the father, he can also get the child to himself. then the km is subject to maintenance

He never gets the custody and sole right of residence after the prehistory.

This is absolutely devoid, at least if the murder threats are legally proven. Because he even admits them here, that’s likely.

With his more than unstable psyche, he will hardly be able to take responsibility for the child even without the prehistory.

In the best case, he gets accompanied handling.

1 year ago

if he is a legal father of the child, he has the right to change and he can enforce it without any legal problems. what he said at some point to the km, nobody cares because he didn’t do anything to the child, and that’s the only thing that matters.

the father does not have to have contact with mother or with the current cuckoo father. he regulates the matter courtly over his attorney, lets pass right and sorjust. he installs on the cost of the km a bypass caregiver who takes away the child during the right of the walk and brings the child to the pass and, if you prefer, this is also possible.

If he is the father, he can also get the child to himself. then the km will be subject to maintenance. would also be an option. he has to think about what he wants and let the fatherhood first see.

1 year ago

what he said in the past has no interest in people.

Of course, that’s what interests the judge if he wants to enforce his right of dealing.

The way in which the child’s well-being is still being handled is very doubtful.

The mother and the current father are no longer likely to be in contact with the questioner.

He probably won’t even be able to approach the apartment of the three.

1 year ago

Now if he becomes more legal, he also has the right to change with his child and to common sorjust. what he said in the past has no interest in people.

1 year ago

After the murder threat and the ad for stalking, I don’t think he has a chance to see his child and be there for the child. If at all, he gets the most accompanied handling, maybe not even that.

Yuri’s father with a maintenance obligation, he could probably still be if he insists on it.

1 year ago

he still has the chance.