Geburtstagsgeschenk Partner (6 Jahre Beziehung)?
Mein Freund hat bald Geburtstag und ich habe noch keine wirklichen Ideen was ich ihm schenken kann. Sind schon so lange zusammen, mir fehlt jegliche Inspiration.
Hat jemand Tipps für ausergewöhnliche Geschenke? Also nicht so Standard Sachen wie Parfum oder Gewand.
Dankeschön 🙂
Don’t give him an object but a shared experience. Something he wants, but what has not been called into question – for whatever reason. This could be a special trip/a special trip. a musical experience or a cultural action, a special erotic experience, etc.
I give my friend a voucher for a candle light dinner this year. Because I think it’s better to do something together than a couple. Grade in a longer relationship. But that can also be another trip or a weekend getaway or something.
I love giving experiences.
Would he like to do something? as e.g.
What’s he got for Hobbies? What does he like to do? What else do you like to do? A common photo shoot. A dinner. A day of wellness in the sauna. A piece of jewellery linked to your relationship. A photo with a special poem from you. A nice trip to a destination he might like. A nice, self-cooked menu. A spontaneous party. And vouchers are oldschool, but have the advantage that the recipient can buy himself exactly what he likes.
What’s he got that?
How do you choose:
It’s something unusual and everyone likes Baby Yoda.
Your Charles
Voucher for the spa, sauna or food maybe
We’re 25j together and my wife always finds something.
But I’m not, it’s embarrassing.
You need to see what he likes and then something.
Zb I got a USB stick, with 2 powerful GB.
But it’s a small full metal revolver, he’s lying around and I’m playing with it when I’m on the PC.
Bungee jumping, parachute jumping, ballooning, sailing…
A child or does he have it?