Geburtstagsgeschenk Mutter?
Was könnte ich meiner Mutter zum Geburtstag schenken? Sie möchte keine Blumen und eigentlich hat sie auch gesagt sie möchte garnichts aber ich schenke ihr trotzdem was. Habt ihr Ideen? Im Budget zwischen 15 und 30,-. Sie hat schon morgen also ist es sehr spontan
How about a nice letter with personal text or a photo album or something. Mothers are always most happy about personal gifts.
PS: A voucher would also be an option 🙂
I don’t know your mother well enough for that.
But possible ideas:
Go to the city and buy your treasures with their favorite characters like mikimaus or snoopy or something
Google times if you find an All you can eat offer in your area that you can afford for your mother and you.
Then paint an invitation to the mother’s sonEssen go for the restaurant and invite them. Is then a voucher, so to speak, and you two are going to eat nicely.
A CD you think she likes her. 2 cinema cards so that she doesn’t have to go to the cinema alone and someone can take it. A cry you think he tastes her.
Large cup, chocolate, bath ball, socks pack everything together in a transparent film and that was it!!!