Geburtstagsgeschenk für Therapeutin?
Ich würde meiner Therapeutin gerne etwas selbstgemachtes zum Geburtstag schenken. Die meisten Inspirationen die ich bisher gefunden habe, sind zu unprofessionell und eher was für Freunde🙈 Habt ihr eine Idee was ich machen kann?
Danke euch! 🙂
That’s a difficult thing, therapists don’t like it very much. A little chocolate wouldn’t talk, but something bigger is always problematic.
In a therapy, the patient can tend to develop a harmful idea of the relationship to the therapist. Therefore, you shouldn’t let this situation happen, even if you’re probably just talking about it. Your therapist does not treat you from charity, but because he offers you a service that he breaks over the health insurance.
I find abstract images of paper very appealing, so fold paper, lick or quill, twist and roll and arrange them to patterns etc.
From this a small picture with Passpartout is a beautiful gift.
Alternatively or in addition, produce the good healthy energy balls themselves, depending on the taste with or without dates or coconut rasp… see for example here:
A box of chocolates.
A knitted fleece
A therapy session for your therapist