Geburt pda?
Ist eine Geburt mit Pda einfacher? Tut die pda sehr weh? Stelle es mir schwer vor den Rücken so doll zu bücken und still zu halten während der wehen. (Da meine 1. Geburt ein Albtraum war den ich echt nicht beschreiben kann, ziehe ich bei dieser Entbindung eine pda in Betracht)
My wife got a PDA after 20 (?) hours of labor. She was completely done. Yeah.
I can’t compare it because I only had a birth until now, with pda.
The pda went ahead for over 30 hours. The pda wasn’t bad. At first, the place where the pda is set will be stunned. I asked her to put my back down if I wanted to make the back scary… that worked well.
To the expulsion phase, the pda means was set so that I could feel the weeping and work with the weeping.
I wish you all the best for the second birth!
Thank you!:)
Such a helpful intervention is only possible in a clinic, but not in the house of birth or in the case of a house dispensation.