Gebrauchtwagenkauf – Bremsen?

Guten Tag,

Ich würde gerne einen Gebrauchtwagen bei einer Privatperson kaufen und den Wagen während der Probefahrt beim ADAC für 100 Euro durchchecken lassen.

Nun hat die Privatperson mir den Bericht geschickt (siehe Bilder), von dem ich aber nicht viel Ahnung habe.

Meine Frage wäre, wieviel kosten auf mich zukommen könnten bezüglich Bremsscheiben-Erneuerung sowie Bremsbeläge?

Zudem würde ich gerne wissen, wie es allgemein auf euch wirkt.

Meint ihr eine Probefahrt würde sich lohnen, wenn alles wahrheitsgemäß angegeben worden ist oder ist das mit den Bremsen schon doof?

Es geht um 3500 Euro

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2 years ago

Basically, I think someone tries to get rid of the box somehow. A trailer coupling is easily possible with a 30mm depth adjustment. The bowl is 16 years old. What do you expect? At that age you will hardly find a vehicle that does not have any defects. You should also be able to do something yourself to keep something alive

2 years ago

Sloping brakes are normal at some point. Depending on the vehicle and workshop, the 150-1000€, I usually make brakes myself, is actually not a witchcraft, costs me at the Yaris 50€ material, at Avensis 100€ (offer at ebay) and a good hour work, but is not recommended for inexperienced lay people.

Would not be an exclusion criterion for me now

2 years ago

According to the TÜV report, it is a hint that the brakes should be checked once. However, it does not have any deficiencies with the brakes which should occur within the 2 years TÜV, otherwise the examiner would have declared it a defect. It’s just a hint here. You can look at the car and check the condition of the brakes. Brake sample, condition of the discs and then decide whether to buy it or not. And it’s best to take one with the idea. Neighbors, friends, parents…

2 years ago

Because of the brakes, I wouldn’t have any pain, but he wants to repel the bowl after half a year… The story with the AHK can be believed or you leave it.