Gebrauchtwagenhändler “drängt” mich Garantie zu kaufen?
Ich habe da einen Gebrauchtwagen gefunden, der ca. 2 Stunden von mir entfert ist (ca. 180km). Der Händler muss ja kostenlos 1 Jahr Gewährleistung gewähren. Am Telefon meinte er, für Kunden, die weit weg wohnen, müssen eine Garantie (500 Euro) kaufen. Er meinte im Falle eines Problems mit dem Wagen, würde ja keiner das Auto bis zu ihm bringen…. Ist das rechtens? Habe ich noch nie gehört?
His sale, his rules. Otherwise, he’ll have to get the car if something’s broken. In return, would demand a part of the guarantee as a rebate, as it would take him a risk.
No, you don’t have to.
However, there are many dealers who do not sell such old cars to private persons.
Important, this is the guarantee for used cars always being such a thing. Because everything comes from a higher mileage can be added to wear.
In the case of warranty, the defects would have to be present even when buying.
Had a defective exhaust and a broken door lock down 120 000 after 4 months.
All appearance of wear that can happen with such a running performance.
Could not enforce the warranty, as the risk was too high to lose the case in court.
Just tell him you’re buying the car after your imagination. If he doesn’t want to leave the insurance, you’ll buy somewhere else.
No, don’t. But he’s free to ask. Would leave your fingers straight.