Gebrauchtwagen von Sixt kaufen oder nicht?
Würdet Ihr einen ein -Jahreswagen (neuestes Modell) von Vorbesitzer Sixt Autovermietung mit 30000 km vom Mercedes Benz Händler kaufen, so 46% Nachlass, welcher schon ein halbes Jahr beim Mercedes Haendler rumsteht, und Verkäufer macht Bücklinge (dies Modell will wahrscheinlich keiner, oder Standuhr ), kaufen oder nicht, manche Sixt Wagen sollen so runtergritten sein, Kupplung, Bremsen, etc. ….Mercedes bietet zwar noch 1 Jahr Gewaehrleistung und Junge Sterne, bloss ob das nützt weiss niemand, wenn man dann in Lappland liegenbleibt,….Sixt hat bestimmt noch weniger bezahlt…, ? Oder ist es vollkommen aus der Mode privat ein Auto zu kaufen, statt auf Firma zu leasen`?
There is certainly a price for which you would buy it. Consider what price that would be. Then consider whether you have a chance that the dealer sold you this for this price. If so, go to the dealer and negotiate with him. Maybe he gives him for the price and if not, I’d give a small margin of negotiation. Good luck!
Thanks, price is uninteresting, crucial is what you get for your money, extras, equipment you need… before you take an empty car that is cheap and you then have to retrofit several more expensive because it was missing…
I personally would leave my fingers off, you don’t know how the customers might have been killed with the car…
but okay, you can also be lucky….
A proper inspection and sampling should already give some safety. The trader must offer at least 1 year guarantee on sale on a private basis.
And in fact, the rental cars, whether from SIXT or other vendors, are usually worse off than the so-called operating whores on some company farm. That’s why, before there’s an evil look!
**…And in fact, the rental cars, whether from SIXT or other vendors, are usually worse off than the so-called operating whores on some company farm. That’s why BEFORE look carefully before there’s an evil look!….**
That’s how it’s very often..
I think that depends heavily on the model. It’s about a model, which is rarely rented, why not!
It comes to the dealer. Do I see the car before processing? Why does it have 30,000 as a young star?
At Audi, they have 9-13′. Maybe about 20.’ down.
I worked for a long time with a car rental company and had the same idea years ago. However, I had the advantage that I could see the history through the system at that time, with the input of the license plate of the vehicles. So if I had known how much rentals and possibly workshop stays would have been. I didn’t do it in the end. I simply know or knew how customers sometimes handle the vehicles because they are not their own. In general, former rental vehicles do not have to be bad and you have to say differently that the big suppliers always react immediately, even if only a yellow lamp is lit. You can be lucky and bad luck.
and with the trucks Sprinter new model, perhaps even more claimed than with the cars a la E-Class convertible…?!
Send me a FA if you want. Then I’d like to explain the one or the other.
is perhaps the same as the Austrian Post Fhz. , maintained and yet defective, as above-average stress,
Basically, you have no problem with the cars. The landlords push the cars very quickly to always have the latest model in the pool. At 30,000km, the Hobel Grad is so retracted. What you could have are the typical Mercedes problems, such as electronics and a completely overpriced price
Thank you, we noticed that an equitable Mercedes W907 Sprinter costs the same as a folk wagon T6 old model, even though the small one calls itself folk car, that is for the people!?
But you can’t compare the Sprinter with the T6. The Sprinter would be the crafter at VW.
If you mean the Vito, you’ll have the fun that’s all under 160PS as a front drive and that you’ll get Renault engines.
VW can’t do much, but what they can be buses.
So I can only say that we have had very good family experiences with former Sixt vehicles. Convenient to get, reasonably prepared and no significant unexpected follow-up costs.
It should be borne in mind that landlords sometimes “forget” or clearly overtake an inspection – that, if there is a warranty or warranty, problems can arise. But you can understand that, when the car the Got it.
I have little reservations about an ex-rent car.
The vehicles are usually rejected by the landlords after 6 months. At 30,000 km there is a lot to say that the car was mainly moved on the highway. Coupling is rather rare.
I think it’s a mytos that tenants are mainly young wilds who want to let the sauce out. In the normal case, the tenant is just wanting from A to B. We bought a rental car of 17,000 km. He ran about 8 years in the family without any major defects.
if then you can make a big customer service right away.the dinger are downstairs to go no longer
If you went to Sixt as a customer, would you almost take one down? The vehicles are replaced at times.
So the cars are scrubbed down? …
Not more
Why not. 30000 km, Mercedes and warranty.
30000 km in one year? means follow-up costs… new tires, new brakes, new clutches, etc. costs everything
The car just got in. Brakes and clutch hold much longer, tyres also around 50000 to 70000 km. Private driving is an average of 12000 to 15 000 km per year. Replacement costs also apply for leasing. My clutch already holds 130000 km, brake pads 90000 km.
If a car is always at the end after 60,000km, I would consider whether it is not accidentally the user. My cars would have run around 100,000km after 6 years.
our Volvos and BMWs always fall apart after 6 years and 60,000 km, and are then always released….