Gebrauchtwagen von Freund kaufen, was alles notwendig?

Hi, ich will von einem guten Freund das Auto günstig kaufen. Das Kennzeichen würde ich gerne weiter nutzen, um das Auto zu mir zu bringen.

Wir wohnen im selben Kreis (da ich gelesen habe das es wohl einiges einfacher macht bei der Zulassungsstelle).

Wie müsste ich jetzt vorgehen, um das Auto auf mich anzumelden / umzumelden, und welche Tipps / Tricks habt ihr, das es so wenig Aufwand & Komplikationen für alle gibt=

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2 years ago

buying a car from the friendly circle can destroy a friendship. so much in advance.

that is easy to log around. in the case of insurance, that the vehicle is considered for registration there. this is also possible by telephone. the insurance contract and also the identification required for amt as proof is in the post sent by the insurance.

at the registration office by telephone. (this is probably still necessary).

to take the perso, or pass with you, also the kfz-schein and the letter.

when registering indicate that you want to take the mark. that is cheaper than to make new production…and very important, it is gaaanz dolle sustainable^^. (only the “up-price” for the “desire mark”..

pay the fees, take the corresponding papers, finished.

2 years ago
Reply to  tuerwerfer439


know, even the most supposedly great used car can already be “the next day”. and then it is often so that the seller is told that the harm was known and concealed. even if that’s not the case.

So remember. “a used car is like a glass pane.” can break from one minute to the other, but can also run several years without unplanned maintenance/maintenance….

2 years ago

There is a usual procedure, and you can’t make it easier.

You simply go with the papers and the car as well as a code of your insurance to the car registration point of your region and follow the instructions of the staff, pay the fee and finish.