Gebrauchtwagen Ummelden?
ich wollte eben mein neues Auto (Gebrauchtwagen) anmelden und hatte folgende Sachen dabei:
- EVB Nummer
- Fahrzeugpapiere
- Fahrzeugschein
- Personalausweis
dennoch konnten die Leute bei der Zulassungsstelle das Auto nicht anmelden, weil das alte Nummernschild noch nicht „entwertet“ worden sei. Jetzt die Frage, braucht man unbedingt die Nummernschilder oder kann man nicht einfach den Kaufvertrag zeigen wo drin steht „Der Käufer muss innerhalb 1 Woche das Auto ummelden“
Hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen. Weil am Telefon haben die nichts davon gesagt das ich die alten Nummernschilder brauche…
You have the number plates on which the car is currently registered. But only if you need another license plate. Otherwise you could just rewrite the holder then you can keep everything
This looks like the car is still registered on the old holder. In this case, you need the license plates so that they are officially “stamped”. If the car has already been cancelled, then not.
A purchase contract does not interest the approval authority the bean….
Would it be possible for the seller to be devalued by himself in the admission office? Doesn’t know whether the different urban district systems communicate with each other
Then he also needs the vehicle papers. The easiest thing would be to get the old signs with him or to send them to you
You can keep the old shields, then you don’t have to show them. It’s possible now that the license plate remains auto-related.
They were taken by the seller yesterday.
What’s that supposed to be good for now? You can’t re-register without signs, he can’t unsub without papers.
Yeah, the number plates must be there. Also, your listing still lacks the certificate of the last main examination.
I also had to list sry
Yeah, the old number plates have to be devalued.
You should have taken it, or the seller should have devalued it in office.
If you don’t want to keep it on the car, you’ll have to show the old signs.