Gebrauchtwagen nach 2 Tagen Kupplung kaputt, zahlt der Händler?
Hallo, ich habe seid 2 Tagen einen Gebrauchtwagen und ich gehe stark davon aus dass die Kupplung defekt ist (rutscht beim Beschleunigen durch). Ich habe vom Gebrauchtwagen auch eine 1 Jahres Gewährleistung, zahlt dann der Händler die Reperatur?
Yes, go to the dealer and complain. He’s supposed to check why the car is acting like that.
The clutch is at the end. He already wrote.
Ask the dealer, it is in the sales documents if you actually buy a car. But without a driver’s license?
Maybe he can make you an alternative offer.
Theoretically you have a warranty, but it is not always easy to enforce.
There is no warranty on wear parts
Right, but if the dealer could have checked/welcome!
Not always. Hann also a lack of expertise
Coupling is a wear part that you have to remember during a test drive.
By the way:
As Laie probably wasn’t, at my last rehearsal trip, the seller asked me if I wasn’t quite close to to tormenting his car like that!
I have very little idea about cars, unfortunately I didn’t notice
And no driver’s license, but a troll ticket
Now you noticed…