Gebrauchtwagen Beratung:)?
Hi Leute 🙋♂️,
Da ich jetzt endlich meinen Führerschein habe, möchte ich mir einen Gebrauchtwagen kaufen und bin auf einen Golf Plus united 2.0 tdi BJ 2008 140000 km gelaufen für 5500€ gestoßen. Im Internet habe ich keine hilfreiche Informationen zum Wagen gefunden, und wollte euch fragen, was Ihr vom Golf plus 2.0 tdi haltet. Und das ch wollte auch bei Check24 nach einer Versicherung gucken, jedoch ist der Wagen bei Check24 irgendwie nicht aufgelistet:(
Danke im Voraus 🙏
The Golf Plus is probably at Golf V.
Generally, this is a diesel and doesn’t find it insanely beautiful, so I wouldn’t buy it now, but in itself nothing speaks against the vehicle if you like it. Generally, VW is nothing where you can make big what is wrong, but I can say that VW AG has the best circuit system, which is also important if you want to have fun driving.
The rest is just everything okay, in a certain way the golf is the measuring bar of the cars and thus stands out almost nowhere positively nor negatively.
Diesel is perhaps even very good for starters if you consider it. But today, unfortunately, is quite sensitive and makes mM. a little less fun.
At VW, you were stupid and stupid as a starter. For the money can also get a younger one. I would take nix what was built before 2010 and run more than 120000