Gebrauchtes Motorrad kaufen, ablauf?
hey Guys!
Und zwar, ich möchte mir gerne ein gebrauchtes Motorrad kaufen, die frage ist nur wie läuft das ab mit der Übergabe bezüglich Kennzeichen und Zulassungsbescheinigung? Wie viel wird mir die Übergabe kosten (Kennzeichen weiß ich 12€).
Danke im vorhinein
This depends on how the vehicle is transferred.
Either way, if you change it to you, you need several things.
6 years ago I wrote something that can still serve as a checklist:
I would like to contact me
In the case of the insurance plate, there is nix for registration or registration!
This is the goal of a purchase.
Just read the information on the page. If there are any questions left, check again.
The transfer costs you nix. Only the motorcycle you have to pay 😉
Shield and approval are still in place.
Make a purchase contract. Gives zb to print out on adac.
Usually the seller does not give the number. Because you can drive a slander.
You can pick up the papers beforehand (for payment sees itself), revise the moped and drive with the new shields and pick up the moped.
Or you’ll get it with a hanger, red number or van.
Or he’ll give you his shields.
*Motorrad net moped 😉 and I would change a handover (blue) license plate or if it’s a new one I ordered. Or the seller brings it to me
Blue flag… ordered… Oh, man… this is not a motorcycle, it’s a 50 cm3 moped with insurance shield. There the previous owner can give Fuffi and take the insurance right away. What is questionable is whether he has a new shield at all (from 01.03.) if he wants to sell the tube.
you can take the unsubscribed on a hanger, short-term identifier, log in and log in immediately or log in (after payment) and then take your own registration.
Can you also apply for a new license mark before buying the motorcycle?
Just ask before you see if you can also take the vehicle registered!
This whole Schnick Schnack with reservations, pendants and short-term characters are absolutely unnecessary work
for cars you can reserve a wish mark in advance, to allow and for the actual license plate you need the papers, and this is only available after purchase and payment.
Yes, of course. But seriously, I felt the case a thousand times.
The motorcycles are still registered. Just because of the test drive. Most sellers know this is also a plus because it can sometimes be annoying effort to do something otherwise.
Like immber in general statements, this is of course wrong. Skilled when it comes to this, however there are x reasons (season mark, already unsubscribed due to new purchase, dealer who does not have everything registered anyway, buy in winter, buy alone and skillful arrival only possible with car + hanger) why you do not register a mopped or transfer it on a hanger.
Check the website of your registration office, as there are matching checklists.
So I’ve always done that I’ve asked to take the machine in. It’s the most convenient!
If you make halfway correct impression, that should not be a problem.
And then also assure the seller that you will register them as soon as possible. So on your name