Gebrauchtes macbook M1 Pro 2020 16gb 256gb ssd?

Kostet 570€ inkl. versand. Hat 89% Batteriekapazität

ist das ein guter Preis? Oder lohnt es sich nicht, weil bald kommt ja die neue M4

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7 months ago

Depending on what you want to use the MacMook, the existing RAM can be too little. Too little memory then leads to data from the RAM being stored in the swap, i.e. on the flash memory. These additional read and write processes affect the life of the flash memory. The system can also be decelerated because the data are written.

Whether it is a good offer depends on you and on the purpose. It is a basic model and the state of the flash memory is not known here. The problem with the 256 GB is also the number of chips installed in the MacBook. From the models with 256 GB, I would therefore rather be guessed because the flash memory on the Logicboard is firmly soldered and cannot be replaced afterwards.

7 months ago

This is a good price and a very good and powerful device. So, you can buy it without thinking.

The M4 devices will be in a completely different price range, which is not to be compared with that at all.

7 months ago
Reply to  Hgzzzhkk66

The MacBook Air M1 goes on eBay minimum for 450 € – 550 € away. At €300 you don’t need to think about it, just buy it right away and if you don’t have enough to put it in on eBay, then you did a big deal.

For a little code, it’s easy, it’s not a weak computer. I have already coded with M1 with 8GB and works super even if with 16 GB is a bit more pleasant.

7 months ago

So, in my opinion, it’s a good offer because alone an air model from 2020 costs so much

And if the storage space is not enough then I recommend a portable ssd

7 months ago

Don’t pay if you want to have the latest model anyway.

7 months ago

I’d buy a good price.