Gebrauchte RTX 3080 oder neue RTX 4060ti?
Welche graka ist besser, besonders für 1440p ?
Welche graka ist besser, besonders für 1440p ?
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Hallo, ich möchte mir eine neue Grafikkarte kaufen und schwanke zwischen der RTX 4060 und der RX 6750 XT. Mir ist wichtig, dass ich die nächsten 4–5 Jahre aktuelle Spiele wie Alan Wake 2, Stalker 2 oder Cyberpunk 2077 auf hohen Einstellungen flüssig spielen kann. Die RTX 4060 bietet DLSS 3.0 und ist stromsparender, hat…
There are GENGEND benchmark tests and much more.
You can also look at YT etc.
VRAM isn’t all day.
The 4060/TI is or are only connected with 8 lanes instead of any other Graka with 16.
You have a clear difference in performance alone
Oh, no edit on the edge: VRAM is extremely important right now.
If you haven’t noticed.
But for many things even an RTX 4090 has too little graphics memory.
This comes to the version of the 4060 Ti.
The RTX 3080 has a little more performance, but less VRAM.
I recommend that you get the 4060Ti (if the cards are about the same price) but the version with 16 GB.
The 3080 would also go, but depending on the game, the memory could become scarce and it needs much more power.
I don’t know what PC world you live in, but JEDER has the idea in this right thing, knows that the 3080 is faster and more powerful than a 4060/TI.
And VRAM isn’t everything anymore.
I wrote that she’s got more performance?
RTX3080 is better.