Gebrauchte Kamera ca 600 €?
Ich suche eine gebrauchte Kamera mit Objektiv ca 600 Euro. Fotos und Videos sind beide gleich wichtig. Würde gerne Sportfotos von Autos machen.
Danke im voraus.
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Ich suche eine gebrauchte Kamera mit Objektiv ca 600 Euro. Fotos und Videos sind beide gleich wichtig. Würde gerne Sportfotos von Autos machen.
Danke im voraus.
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Fahre gerne MTB (Jumps, Downhill etc). Habe überlegt mir eine Gopro Hero 10 (mit vollem Zubehör) zu kaufen, bin mir aber nichso sicher ob die sich für mich lohnt, weil ich ja kein Youtuber oder ähnliches bin. Ich habe auch überlegt mir einen Budget Gaming PC für 700€ zu kaufen, da bin ich mir aber…
Hallo! Hat jemand Erfahrung mit einem Fotoshooting in Kreta und kann jemanden empfehlen? Vielen Dank 🙂
Hey, ich würde gerne mit der Fotografie als Hobby starten. Ich bin ein kompletter Anfänger und bräuchte Unterstützung bei der richtigen Auswahl der Kamera. Ich würde gerne Landschafts- und Tierfotografie betreieben. Mir wäre wichtig, dass die Kamera scharfe Bilder macht, welche man auch mit anderen teilen kann. Videos habe ich nicht vor aufzunehmen. Am liebsten…
Welches Handy würdet ihr nehmen
In system cameras you also need optics for “sport photos”. With “Autos” you will not be able to get around a long professional teles, especially drifting sports or club sports at regional level where you can get out with light teles.
Cars on racetracks are very easy to dispose of work motives for which you do not need an autodooffocus at all with some know-how in the case of stand image, since a sharpening function is more sensible.
For videos of moving motifs, the smaller the sensor is the better the video quality in the entry class to the top class. Hybrid professional cameras use multi-channel reading and computing power to get Rolling Shutter out of visibility. At Canon you can use a high crop factor to solve the problem elegantly and inexpensively.
The point is clean HD video is completely enough for sports reporations, it makes little sense to invest extra money in UHD/4K especially when it comes to Youtube video quality at the end.
If video image quality is important then you don’t get around MFT, i.e. a used Olympus E-M1 (from 200-250€), then you still have budget for a Zuiko 14-150 Allrounder (from 150-200€). Then you have almost the budget to a Zukio 75-300 version 1 (from 250-300€)
The E-M1 was developed for sports reporting and wildlife and is “eingebraked” by 14-150. But the combination is still significantly faster and more accurate than most APS-C DSLR/DSLM with top class or professional optics. If you need to think in DSLR category, the M1 is in performance between Canon EOS7DII and Nikon D7500.
In addition, the autocus of the E-M1 is quite “Idiotesafe”, the beginner only has to center the main motif at C-AF, hold on until the AF is loosened and then move along. In daylight, under 0.3 seconds in gym light under 0.5 seconds
600€ currently buys a Canon M50II with 15-45 IS STM Kit Gurke or used to get the M50 with EFM 18-150 IS STM (new price by 1100€)
Thanks for the extremely good answer. What do you think of a sony a6000 with the lens 4,5-6,3/55-210
lens 3,5-5,6/16-50
the M1 is a professional camera that a6000 a Semi Pro with compromises for professional use.
The a6000 is not as fast and accurate as the Olympus M1 rather in the field of the Olympus M10 series (the a6000 competes with the M10 series, the M1 series competed Sony with the a6500/a6600).
The Olympus M1 was applied to Nikon D4 and Canon D1x for reportag insert profiles and thus landed clearly against Canon 7DII, Nikon D7100, Sony a77, Pentax K3.
The a6000 was placed only on 7DII, D7100, K3 and also “cleaned” the Sony a77II.
What the M1 10 years ago could make 6 years later an Olympus M5III, a Sony a6100, Fuji X T3, Lumix G9 or a Nikon Z50
The a6000 advantages are in the field of image quality and high ISO. In addition, the Sony can be integrated into XAVC S Log Video Workflow. Makes the suitable B Roll Camera for Sony Video Shooter
The E 16-50 PZ and E 55-210 focus faster than Canon Kit Zooms, but are just “slow” middle-class zooms. The 16-50 is super compact as a pancake and sets on motor zoom for video
So what makes sense is the SEL 18-55 OSS (used from 75€) instead of the 16-50 or the SEL 18-200/3.5-6.3 OSS (used from 250€ or the LE version from 300€) instead of the double zoom kit. With the SEL 18-135, Bzw Sony has a fast-focusing mid-range optics in the system. The zZ fastest SEL optics is the 16-70/4.
So the point is the Zuiko 14-150 corresponds to the E 18-200 at Sony and the Zuiko 75-300 corresponds to the FE 100-400 at Sony. Sony has the E 70-350 OSS as a small inexpensive solution.
There are for Sony foreign manufacturer optics like
Sigma DN 100-400, Tamron 18-300, Tamron 70-300
Or there’s something else in the direction of Fujifilm
So your choice would be the m1? Bzw what do you say to the Canon 6d
For 600€, ne EOS M50 or ne Sony A6100 regained. Both are good entry-level cameras that are also good for video.
In offers, the M50 is sometimes available for 499€ with lens. You don’t find them much cheaper.
Is this also suitable for sports photography?
For cars that pass the side of you, yes.
So for this, I guess here by default to an a6000, an a6100 from Sony or a Canon EOS M50, which, in my opinion, is even more suitable for beginners. Here’s another comparison. In addition, the M50 would also fit well into your budget.
VG Hdhdidb
At 600 euros you will even get a new one from Canon.
But is it not more sensible to buy a used one because it is better?
So for 600€ I would also give you a new rate, as there are cameras in this price segment that have a relatively very good quality.
VG Hdhdidb
It is then the question of how it is against used for 600€.
Hab Lumix g81 with 45-200 lens. Display once gave up the mind, otherwise it works very well. It’s just mft sensor.
A Nd filter can be used for longer exposure times.
For the price you get very good new. Better invest in it.
What exactly?
Canon is a super brand. You’ll get some Nikon. Just look.” Mirror reflex camera” then you have to look at what you like best. Having the Canon 1100D and it has cost 600 new times, is now 6 years old and is still as new and makes great recordings. Good have a lot of accessories for it, but even the camera alone is super
So I’m doing really good videos with my camera so far, so my recommendation and so far I’ve had three times a bad experience with used cameras, especially in this value and since it’s a lot about experiences here, I just wanted to share it and wrote it about it.
Why not use it? Cameras lose half of value on their own when unpacking. If the budget is limited, the 0 is worth it.
Oh, okay.
6D (and also the 1100D) is not to be used for video because the focus in video mode does not follow. He only sharpens 1x at the touch of a button and that was it.
It’s great, but I wouldn’t buy used ones anyway. It’s just my opinion. Or save a little more for a new one. But it’s your decision what you’re doing
What do you say to the Canon 6d
You don’t have to take any mirrors, it’s my experience, because they’re just horny and make super recordings. I don’t know myself without a mirror.
Isn’t it going towards cameras without mirrors?