Gebrauchte Kamera, auf was achten?
Auf was sollte ich achten, wenn ich von jemandem privat, eine gebrauchte Kamera kaufe?
Auf was sollte ich achten, wenn ich von jemandem privat, eine gebrauchte Kamera kaufe?
Moin, Wir wollen als kleine Truppe mit Streaming anfangen (z.B. auf Twitch) und Videos drehen für YouTube etc. und brauchen Empfehlungen für Kameras. Webcams kommen nicht infrage, da diese nicht gut für unterwegs sind. Die Streams/Videos sollen in etwa im Style von AMP gehen (Kai Cenat, Fanum, Duke Dennis, etc.), also sehr Content bezogen. Ich…
Servus o/ Ich habe eine Bekleidungsmarke (Onlineshop), habe momentan nur leider nicht die Mittel, um selber Mockups zu fotografieren. Ich suche Mockups dieser Richtung. Vielen Dank für alle Antwort im Voraus.
Hab mir jetzt als Übergangslösung gebraucht für 35 Euro ein Canon EF-S 18-55mm gekauft weil mein Canon EF-S 18-55mm IS STM kaputt gegangen ist Ist es wirklich so ein großer Unterschied? Ja ich weiß beim ersten 18-55mm ist kein Bildstabilisator dabei aber den Brauch ich nicht da ich die Kamera hauptsächlich am Stativ nutze Das…
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Was haltet ihr von diesem Bild? Macht es einen guten Eindruck? Ich musste leider die Auflösung runterschrauben, um es hier einstellen zu können, daher hat es nicht die maximale Schärfe. Ich habe es mit meiner Canon EOS 80D mit dem Canon EF 100mm L Macro geschossen (1/1250, f13, ISO400 + Blitz). Habt ihr Tipps, was…
Kann mir jemand sagen wie ich mein Handy möglicht ohne Klebespuren oder Schaden an der Kamera anbringen kann?
So I’d look at the camera for external damage. Mostly (not necessarily) the outer state is a good indicator of how well or rough the previous owner has moved with the camera.
Furthermore, I would take a photo with the camera and look into the metadata how much triggering the camera has already behind it. This indicates how much the camera was used.
Whether dust is on the sensor or in the beam path, you can best determine with a photo against even light background.
sold-in batteries should not be empty when stored empty, they are down. Besides, you shouldn’t be inflated. Try to remove the battery from the camera. Under certain circumstances, a strongly expanded battery can no longer be removed from the battery compartment.
Sold lenses should be free of dust connections visible external damage and naturally free of glass mushroom.
Sure you are. If you buy a used camera from the dealer, it is also required to ensure the warranty of used articles.
Okay, thanks. So it would have bought 10k of solutions and 1 year ago. Dealer is a bit more expensive
He must be. It is subject to statutory liability for defects in property, the right to revoke when buying online and also the VAT must be observed. A trader would also like to receive money for his work and possibly even generate a small profit from it.
A private man doesn’t need it all.
Read out solutions. Gives software. Is at least in some way a reference point, wherein triggering is only interesting when the mechanically performed. So not so meaningful, but better than nothing.
Pay attention to damage….Brüche, Platzer. Small scratches are quite normal, especially where you attach the tripod.
View sensor or should make you an image with a closed aperture on a monotonous surface. Sensor spots are normal and no deficiency. You should pay attention to elongated strips (craters)
These things I’d pay attention to.
The first point is the triggering. If the camera has less than 20,000 triggers, it’s almost as good as brand new. Most system cameras keep a minimum of between 150,000 and 200,000 triggers.
Next you look at the optical state. If there are scratches somewhere, the camera is generally worn out, then it was not well dealt with. Pay particular attention to display, lens and corners.
Even 50,000 solutions can still be very good. Putting such an upper limit of only 20,000 is Humbug. In the end, he photographs 1x a month 50 things and the resolutions go back strongly compared to previous usage. It’s more like the battery or the memory card slips.