Geblitzt worden, wieder Fahrverbot?


hab ne Frage an alle die davon Ahnung haben oder denen es schonmal ähnlich ging

Ich bin Oktober 2022 mit ca 27kmh zu schnell geblitzt worden und dann im September 2023 nochmal mit wieder 27kmh zu schnell. Die Folge 1+1=2 Punkte und 1 Monat Fahrverbot. Dies habe ich im Februar diesen Jahres abgeleistet. Nun bin ich im September 2024 wieder geblitzt worden und zwar (auf dem Tacho) mit ca 23-24 kmh zu schnell. (Außerorts)

Normalerweise gibt es (falls ich irgendwie trotz Toleranzabzug) noch auf die 21kmh kommen sollte einen Punkt, aber kein Fahrverbot, auch nicht wenn das einem öfter passiert. Allerdings habe ich ja 2 Punkte schon und hab gelesen dass bei Wiederholungstätern auch mal härteres Maß angelegt werden kann. Bin ansonsten überhaupt nicht mehr geblitzt worden außer die Male die ich aufgezählt hab.

Was habe ich zu erwarten? Könnte da wieder ein Fahrverbot kommen?


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6 months ago

There could even be a MPU, and it would be appropriate for you.

6 months ago
Reply to  6ix9ineT

And we don’t need anyone here who insults if the answer doesn’t fall by your will.

6 months ago
Reply to  6ix9ineT

Girls, I have an idea, and there can be an MPU when the driving permit authority considers it right to test you for the suitability to run a KFZ. If you don’t like this answer, it’s not my rehearsal. somehow you don’t have a handle, either in the car or here.

6 months ago
Reply to  ZuumZuum

Full consent.

6 months ago

It’s completely the same to me how often and how fast you’re on the move, as long as you’re just driving yourself over the heap, and other road users don’t get hurt. Do you think about others? It’s not all the Super Duper car drivers like you mean being one. In road traffic, one must always remember for the others, your example shows that once more.

6 months ago

Heul not the same when the letter comes for the MPU

6 months ago

Oh, you know, if I look at your questions here so much, drug use etc, then I think it’s very good if you do a MPU. So the streets are safe again.

6 months ago

Wait for it, then the source flutters maybe to the house. You are now in a grey area where the driving permit authority is acting can but not must:. If you’re lucky, you’ll come back with a double bus money, which is also at the discretion of the driving permit authority, whether this is imposed due to recognisable intention, or not. I’m not sitting in the driving permit, I’m just telling you what happens can, and has already happened from professional experience.

6 months ago

If you’re out of the trial period, you’re not going to happen.

If you’re inside, you’ll get the recommendation of psychological counseling. Can do or leave, nothing changes.

The next time, however, the lapel will be taken in immediately.

6 months ago

You have to be caught twice within 12 months with an exceeding of 26-30 kmh for a driving ban of 1 month.

In the case of repetitions, increased fines or the arrangement for carrying out a so-called “idiot test” can follow.

6 months ago
Reply to  6ix9ineT

That’s why you’re not afraid of driving. However, an MPU (idiote test) can occur at regular speed exceedings, in particular those which bring points. The margin of decision is at the discretion of the specialist of your case.

6 months ago

What do I expect? Could there be another driving ban?

  • Prohibition
  • even MPU
  • to the complete cancellation of your driving permit including Lock

It’s all open.
However, since you are a lasting repetitionist, you are indescribable so that you are now likely to threaten a driving ban, increased fines and MPU.

The costs will be very high

  • There will be up to 2500 € together quickly + further costs.
6 months ago

The fines in the catalogue of crimes are rule rates that originate from ordinary circumstances.

If the specialist of the penal court concludes that there are no ordinary circumstances of action, for example repeatedly violated traffic rules, can to increase the set of rules. There are no fixed rules for this.

In my knowledge, he cannot forgive an additional point.

To ban driving, § 25 para. 1 StVG:

If the data subject is violated by a breach of order pursuant to § 24(1), which it is subject to persistent Infringement of the obligations of a driver of the motor vehicle has committed a fine, the managing authority or the court in the fine decision may prohibit him for a period of one month up to three months from carrying on road vehicles of any or a certain type.

If the specialist of the penal court considers the present infringement to be “consistent” taking into account the past violations, can he ordered a driving ban. In my knowledge, however, only if it is a fine (i.e. from 60€ or from 21 km/h too much).