Geblitzt worden in der Probezeit. Was tun?
Das Auto läuft auf mein Vater. Der sagte zu mir wenns hart kommt sagt er ist gefahren. Ich sagte ich will das nicht weil das eine Straftat ist.
Wie ist das rechtlich gesehen wenn man Vater sagt freiwillig er sei gefahren? Ich dränge ihn nicht dazu. Kommts dann zu weiteren Ermittlungen?
Hi, if there was under 21 too fast, there are no points and sampling time measures. Then it doesn’t matter who pays the warning money.
If it was over, it looks bad. Your father is probably about 25 years older than you? You usually see that on a picture. They won’t be satisfied with it and ask your father who drove there. And the son checks the first in case of doubt.
If the man who works the whole thing isn’t blind, that’s striking. Then you two have a problem
No, he can. However, depending on the strength of the pass, he must pay, gets points and must surrender the driver’s license…
Wrong, you’re committing another crime.
No. The family does not have to betray each other
since the date of birth is known to the holder, it can be assumed that the holder receives a hearing sheet and has to fill it out, only then is a fine decision taken to the actual driver
how do you get offense? nö, depending on speed only one Owi
Well, if the father says in the arc he’s gone, in truth that’s what I am, is that fraud?
In the warning money range (<60€), the holder usually receives a warning money offer. If this is paid within a week (no matter who) the thing is done.
In the fine area (=>60€), the Authority tries to determine the actual driver, precisely because it also involves further measures (e.g. sampling time measures). Your father can’t take responsibility so easily.
The Blitzerfoto is compared, among other things, with the photos stored at the Inhabitant Registration Office, and also personal surveys of the holder or the neighborhood as well as further investigation measures are not unusual.
If the actual driver cannot ultimately be determined, the holder is threatened with the chargeable deposit of a travel book (21.50€ – 200€).
“If the perpetrators of an offence and a person who cooperates with him and who is not involved in the crime are deliberately misleading the fine authority by accusing the other person himself of injustice of the perpetrator, this may lead to a criminal offence for the perpetrator due to false suspecting in indirect perpetratorship and for the other person for the aid.”
(OLG Stuttgart Judgment of 23.7.2015, 2 ps 94/15)
So you’re committing another crime with the attempt. An offence is a supreme personal liability that cannot be resigned or inherited.
Always be careful what is in the question.
§ 258, par. 6, StGB:
You can forget the verdict, it doesn’t fit.
When you are blitzed, there is usually also a photo that indicates the identity of the driver…. do you see so similar? So what is tested sporadically
Sometimes just a fine decision comes
Hm, if you’re on the picture, it’ll be noticed.