Geblitzt 30kmh zu schnell plus nicht angeschnallt?


Wird beim Blitzer Foto das nicht anschnallen mit bewertet also 30€ nochmal mitgeschickt ?

Und Frage ist wegen Beruf , kann ich Einspruch erheben dass ich Fahrverbot umgehen kann?

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2 years ago

can I object to being able to avoid driving ban?

Why is there a ban on driving?

2 years ago
Reply to  Msmiil

Then there is no driving ban at 30 km/h too fast.

Btw: Not in this case is a deed unit and only the higher fine is punished for speed violation.

2 years ago

No, no driving ban. Read this again, there is certainly a * behind it at 26-30, so my demand whether you had such a violation for a year.

2 years ago

Depending on the flasher you can also see the belt, then additional fees are also calculated. I don’t think you’ll be able to handle a driving ban.

2 years ago
Reply to  Msmiil

But you must be aware that this is a lawsuit that takes you, and also costs. You need a good lawyer for that.

2 years ago

Actually, it could be considered a hardship. But is now associated with effort and costs. Talking to a lawyer for the first time, he’s going to tell what to do.