Gebe ich zu viel Geld Zuhause ab?

Ich verdiene 2700€ netto und davon gebe ich 1400€ Zuhause ab. 900€ Warmmiete und 500€ dazu.

Mein Bruder ist 19 Jahre alt – hat sein Ausbildungsplatz verloren. Wurde personenbedingt gekündigt.
Meine Mutter ist alleinerziehend und meine Schwester ist 8 Jahre alt.

Sie verdient in 3 Schicht mit Zuschläge zwischen 2700 und 3000 netto. Bekommt 500€ Kindergeld für meine 2 Geschwister und 230€ dazu vom Jugendamt bis die Unterhaltssache mit mein Dad geklärt ist.

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1 year ago

I find the information too scary. But it sounds too much.

Please show your mother the rental contract. Look at the m2 price.

Now remove all m2 of the rooms you do not use. Then measure your main room (your room). The self-inhabited room goes 100% to your cap. You share the shared spaces through 3 (because I leave your sister outside due to age).

Now you have e.g.

12m2 for your room

1⁄3 of the living room + 1⁄3 of the hall + 1⁄3 of the kitchen + 1⁄3 of the bath +12 m2 of your room.

The sum you multiply with the warm rental per m2 = 900,-€

Please consider this also additional expenses to fall into this area, such as 1⁄3 of the stream & of water.

Then say something.

The €500 is not explained in more detail. I’m guessing for food, drinking and hygiene?

1 year ago

That’s a lot of money you’re pushing, even though I’m a big fan of earning children spending money at home.

I personally think a third of the net is appropriate. You could also afford your own apartment with your net income. Then you would also spend 1400 euros, but your mother would have a bigger problem.

Your brother’s supposed to watch that he gets his professional life on the chain.

One may be long; that can happen to everyone. But he cannot ask your mother to carry him through permanently.

1 year ago
Reply to  Altersweise

Why are you a fan of it? Find the truth abundant asocial

1 year ago
Reply to  dragon626

What is more, if all the earning members of a budget together make sure that there is enough money. That’s social, the other one’s a mess.

1 year ago

You can do that with your kids. I didn’t do it with mine.

1 year ago

To give a financial burden to your own child, which is actually not necessary, is in my eyes social, yes.

1 year ago

You better sit down with your mother and make a reasonable bill.

How high is the rent? What do you need to do with additional costs? Food, drink, insurance (?). You’ll have your own liability.

1400 euros are already a lot of money, so you could think about whether there is not a separate apartment in it. Your brother lost his training place is not your problem! As long as he has a new training place, he has to look for a job and therefore take part in the costs himself. After all, your mother’s gonna get some money for him. And of course you don’t have to pay for the sister! It’s about DEINE costs alone.

If your mother actually offers you “Hotel Mama” for it, be put there. Because you are old enough to wash your laundry yourself and since it works just like you and your brother are obviously at home, a division of housework will probably not be a problem, just like cooking for everyone.

1 year ago

In my opinion too much, especially because your mother does not have a bad income and does not need 1400 € from you to get over the rounds.

From the money you could definitely afford your own apartment and might get away even better (depending on the region).

Talk to your mother. Important is to question what the current rent costs and 500 € in addition for food? 1 person? For me, the amount is too high.

1 year ago

you have to offer a little more context.

Your mother and you deserve about the same amount.

what does the entire rent cost?

How much of the apartment or house do you use, how much the other family members, and how much do you use together? What other running costs you have, which you share (insurances, food, Internet, GEZ, electricity etc). Then you can answer yourself if your share of 900 is warm and the 400 is extra reasonable.

Sit down with your mother and look at it together in an excell table.

Your mother can expect you to bear your own share. But not that you’re getting up for your brother. He is old enough, and your mother (or his father) must / must support him only if he is in education or studies.

in many places you can easily get a small apartment for 900 warm, and 400 ceilings also the running costs as single. It is often cheaper than that.

1 year ago

I earn 2700€ net and of which

We all know

I will pay 1400€ at home. 900€ Warm rental and 500€.

This is indeed far too much

My brother is 19 years old – lost his training place. Has been terminated in person.

Then he must have built a lot of shit to get out of training.

1 year ago

Definitely too much even if the mamma still cooks you and makes your laundry.

What you’re paying for is some of a one-time full-time with minimum wage, which is financed by its own apartment including all living.

Your brother is full-year, then he should look for a job if it didn’t work with the training, then he can also pay his contribution to your mother.

What does your mother have to pay for the warm rental and the monthly discount for normal household electricity?

This sum should not only be shared by 2 people, at least the brother can and should pay his contribution to your mother according to his hope of early income.

With this amount, I’d have been looking for something of my own since then you can do whatever you want.

1 year ago

So nothing for bad, but I don’t live poor, but as a single, living alone, city apartment with 62m2, with car, and insurances, and what else you pay so monthly if you don’t just have to save on extreme… I pay “even” times about the 1000€ per month.

And there’s all counted paid, and what I forgot to count.

Actually, I don’t dare to say it, but somehow, with your mother, I’d feel like she’s ripping me off. I’m not the husband who has come up for everything and everyone in the household.

1 year ago
Reply to  IdefixWindhund

And who buys, cleanses and washes for you?

1 year ago
Reply to  1958kos

Me, and me, and me. It’s like a single household.

1 year ago

So I don’t know your room or your share of the apartment, how big this is all…but don’t pay 1400 euros…. there would be a separate apartment worth more xD

1 year ago

2 people in the household earn the money – both earn about the same amount. Thus, it would be only fair if both were approx. 50% of the costs incurred.

If that’s too much for you, you always have the option to take off. that you can do with your income

1 year ago

Your mother has to work hard to provide a home for everyone. If you still want to live at the Hotel Mama, you need to get in and join. If you don’t want to, you can also take your own apartment and find that it costs the same – only without services from the “Hotel Mama”

1 year ago
Reply to  Halbammi

How do you know there are services?

1 year ago
Reply to  Oponn

Because it is in absolute terms that a household is doing the laundry together and the FS has not said that it is at the same time the household bembo. As a rule, the mother does when she is single parent the household and not the son.

1 year ago

I just got a thought. Maybe the mother would also like your son to finally flew. It would be possible. A lot of money isn’t a question.

1 year ago

Yes, I want that for households with adult children. You can’t prove it either.

1 year ago

You don’t want to seriously deny that in the absolute majority women and mothers do the household? Especially since it’s a single parent? Do I usually have to give you milk? Sorry, that’s too ridiculous. If it’s fun, you’ll prove it’s different.

1 year ago

Then remember your rule.

1 year ago

In the case of NIchtinformation, one may assume the absolute rule case. This is not to do the pure speculation, not the other way.

1 year ago

So pure speculation.

1 year ago

Why you’re still living with your mother doesn’t open up to me. When do you plan to knock you off? At some point, the right time is over.

To the amount itself: too much. You are not the father of the children and not the partner of the mother who has to get financial for them.

You live five in this apartment. I’d say from the belly that your rent should be 20%. Then there will be some food, cleaning products and other costs incurred. That’s where you’re lying about it at €500.

Talk to your mother and settle for a reasonable amount. Above all, look for your own apartment. Are old enough and financially able to take responsibility for yourself.

1 year ago
Reply to  MataMata748

could it be possible that your mother wants to move you out? How old are you?

1 year ago

Yeah, that’s too much money.

What are you doing that you earn 2700 euro net if I can ask?

1 year ago

Yeah, sure. You can rent and live your own apartment for this.

1 year ago
Reply to  GuyCockNitro

Is that cheaper? And the services of “Hotel Mama” are not included

1 year ago
Reply to  Halbammi

So my fixed costs as single in Berlin with a 56 square meter apartment are about 1050 euros. There is also everything in it not only rent ^

I find 1400 is an amount to trick xD naja except it’s a villa. The size was not called here. :

But I don’t know why you should stay with your parents. That’s why I think there’s a certain target.

1 year ago
Reply to  Halbammi

Yeah, I think so, and I can just cum in the apartment, ciff and watch porn as I feel after it.

Or get hookers.

I don’t know.

1 year ago

Nope. But get out. Then the question is settled.

1 year ago

to answer the question, one should know how high the entire rent of the apartment is and what “inclusive services” you get.

1 year ago

It seems a lot to me. You can afford your own apartment