Gebärmutter entfernung mit 16?

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Ich bin 16 und habe seit über einem Jahr starke PMS Symptome, meistens immer 2 Wochen. Da ich in Zukunft keine Kinder möchte habe ich schon länger überlegt mir die Gebärmutter entfernen zu lassen, dies würde ich am liebsten in den nächsten paar Monaten nun machen um mein Leben wieder ohne ständige Schmerzen und alles genießen zu können. Ich bin mir allerdings unsicher ob ich trotz Krankheit bis 18 warten muss? Hat jemand schon Erfahrungen was dies angeht und könnte mir weiterhelfen?

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2 months ago

I don’t think it’s doing any doctor as long as you’re U18. Even with 18 it will certainly be difficult to find a doctor who is willing to provide doctors usually when it comes to sterilization/birth removal and is wife U35.

I would start looking for a doctor who really does the surgery after the 18th birthday.

All good 🙂

2 months ago

No one will perform this procedure as long as you are not full-year.
Probably not as young adults. Talk about it on occasion with your gynecologist.

Did you try to take the pill?

2 months ago


Neither over or under 18, you can simply remove the uterus.

However, uterus removal is only carried out if there is an urgent reason to speak a disease, injury, prevention of a disease, psychological reasons (transgender). PMS is not a direct disease, it is the name for the occurrence of symptoms before the period which have a natural hormonal origin. You can treat PMS very easily.

The removal of the uterus is a great operation that can have risks and side effects. It usually comes into question only when other treatments do not sufficiently help. Means with you this will probably not be done simply because there would be the possibility for you to take the pill. As long as this possibility exists without any problems and you only make it “I don’t want it because….” you probably won’t get a hysterectomy. If you have to pay it yourself, which is in the four-digit to five-digit range.

Here are some risks from AOK: for example, nerves can be hurt, bleeding or infections can occur. The possible consequences of a hysterectomy are also temporary intestinal and bladder problems, which can be manifested by pain, constipation or bloating with weakened abdomen, bladder weakness or difficulties in urinating.

Otherwise, there is still the possibility to taste it with strong underweight to disable the uterus but this is definitely not a lasting and healthy solution. Underweight can also reduce your life and cause damage. So this will not be an option.

In addition, the ovaries also produce hormones and they would then be lacking in any case, they do not have to be compensated for with medicines, but nevertheless it is something that the body needs first and a change except you take the rest of your life medicines. You will automatically come into the alternating years, which increases some risks, for example osteoporosis, asterosclerosis, disorder of cardiac vessels, etc. This is only the case with the radical hysterectomy, in the other cases the ovaries remain inside yet you will not get hysterectomy if you have not tried the other methods.

If you want this, you can also take the pill in the long-term cycle and thereby suppress your monthly bleeding. At best, you’ll talk to your gynecologist.

PMS can also be combated with monk pepper (a natural remedy). To get rid of the uterus because of PMS is how to cut off the whole hand just because you have a wart. This has only disadvantages, although one can treat the problem without radical means.


I hope I could help you 🙃

Good luck



2 months ago
Reply to  selina460

Have you ever been to the endocrologist?

If you still feel symptoms of PMS during taking pills, there might be another disease behind it and not PMS. It is impossible to have the PMS and it COMMITTEE other than PMS. Maybe you can treat what they find.

2 months ago
Reply to  selina460

Yet you are not full-year.

I understand that the symptoms are annoying and burdening you, but your womb will only be removed to you under 18 if you don’t.

2 months ago

PMS is not a reason for hysterectomy.

2 months ago
Reply to  selina460

1. There are drugs against PMS that are far less invasive.

2.) You get into the menopause and have to substitute the rest of your life estrogen, which can have severe side effects.

3. Even if you say you don’t have a child’s desire, it can change suddenly in ten or twenty years and then you stand there. Certainly, it can be that this never changes, but doctors are unhappy about it, because those are up to you when you regret your decision.

2 months ago

The pill helps most women, otherwise monk pepper can certainly help. PMS has almost every woman (and also some men who have a uterus), one stronger, the other less pronounced and that for millennia. By the way, a cervical distance brings you similar, if not worse symptoms, you won nothing at all.

Without uterus, no biological children.

2 months ago

It is a very dangerous procedure with high risks It depends on how important you are

2 months ago
Reply to  R45662

You don’t have to wait (whose your parents agree)

2 months ago
Reply to  R45662

Without cancer diagnosis, no doctor will remove the uterus from a minor – this is where everything else is tried conservatively. After a year, you are rarely already therapied.

2 months ago
Reply to  R45662

A uterus removal is not a particularly dangerous intervention with the more common risks of each surgery and is carried out relatively frequently.

2 months ago
Reply to  needlewitch

In practice, additional factors result in comparison to theory. The specific differences depend on the doctor and the institution (hospital/special clinic).

2 months ago

Then the Schuster should stay with his bars and provide people in the first 10 minutes after arrival at the emergency place, instead of pinching such a nonsense.

2 months ago

I’m currently NFS and I’m gonna go to normal clinics soon

2 months ago

Of course, the other clink I have worked only in a specialist clink I know only in 2 weeks as it is in a normal clinic

2 months ago

And that’s why other clinics can’t? 😀

2 months ago

Well, two years ago, we worked in a clinic before I am NFS and that was a special clinic and there we did such procedures.

2 months ago

Routine interventions without special requirements can be carried out in any normal surgery with gynecological department. There is no need for specialized equipment as it would be necessary for complex interventions.

There is a lot more risky almond surgery and should really be done only in a specialized clinic. In fact, almondops are even carried out on an outpatient basis.

2 months ago

A uterus removal should be carried out in a specialized clinic, as they have experienced surgeons and state-of-the-art medical equipment specially designed for complex gynecological interventions. Specialized clinics also offer a more comprehensive aftercare and a multidisciplinary team to ensure that all possible complications can be detected and treated at an early stage. This increases safety and reduces the risk of unwanted side effects or long-term problems.

2 months ago

In practice, it is an ordinary routine intervention without any special risks that no special clinic requires; after all, this is operated in about every 6th woman. For comparison: Blinddarmops are carried out only at about 0.1% of the population.