GdB zu niedrig, da keine aktuellen Arztberichte?
meine Tochter hat einen Antrag auf GdB gestellt mit H und B. Diagnosen: Zöliakie, Endometriose, chronisch komplexe PTBS, dissoziative Störung, soziale Phobie, mikroskopische Kollitis.
Zöliakie wurde anerkannt mit GdB 20, obwohl Bericht schon 15 Jahre alt (klar, bleibt Lebenslang). PTBS ist auch chronisch, Bericht vor 3 Jahren, war egal. Kollitis und Endo auch neu, auch egal….
Kurzfristig Termine bei Psychologen zu bekommen ist unmöglich. Suchen schon lange.
Was kann meine Tochter jetzt tun, um höhergestuft zu werden?
What do you want to achieve with a higher GdB?
Here you can read how the GdB is determined. It is not that several diseases/diagnoses can be added.
If several functional impairments are present, a total GdB can be formed therefrom. We explain how the overall assessment of several individual disabilities takes place.
The functional restriction is crucial, not the diagnosis
quoted from this link, read, just click on law/heavyly disabled/themes/contribution/view/heavy disabled/re-berechnet-sich-mein-grad-der disability/details/display/
I know they won’t be added. It is mainly about getting the badges, because it is mentally not even able to drive by bus alone or 50m further to the business to buy something
With these diagnoses one does not get the features “B” or “H”.
This at least would be annual check-ups with the doctor or internist, continuing regular therapy of the symtomes.
Only in this way can something improve, in the worst case, a deterioration of the state of health be detected.
The problem is that there is no traumatrapeuten in the wide circle. We would have to go by bus and train and be on the road for 4 hours plus therapy
A pediatrician is safe.
A transfer to a specialist clinic where you take care of your daughter. That would also be a relief for you.
What does the HA do to me when a trauma is needed? Nothing can be achieved about the 116117
The only idea I have is a medical specialist. Good luck! 🍀
I didn’t know GdB points were awarded for that. Then there would be a lot more severely handicapped people walking around!?!
Ergo: continue fighting.
Severely disabled is only from GdB 50
Who would have thought that…
I know
For certain diseases there is the GdB. Many don’t ask for it… It depends on the severity. A Christian Comp. PTBS weighs harder than PTBS
If you already knew, then it’s good…
I also have GdB 50.
Colitis and endometriosis are a problem, but to act medicamentally halfway.
Zöliakie = diet, jein wheat (glues) and there is no problem (can also help with colitis).
Ptbs, psychiatrists, psychologists, self-work. Think the 20% fit exactly.
Zöliakie is an autoimmune disease that remains a lifetime. Keep a tight diet. Wheat at Zöli absolute taboo! Unlike incompatibility! Chronic complex PTBS, dissociative disorder and social phobia.
For colitis she gets cortisone, wg. Endometriosis also has medis.