Gastroenterologe Darmspiegelung?
hi ihr lieben ich hab ne Frage bezüglich Darmspiegelung
ich hatte gestern einen Termin zur Darmspiegelung. Aufgrund Blut im Stuhl,bauchkrämpfe, Übelkeit, Verstopfung und Blähungen.
Ultraschalltermin vor kurzem war okay das klappt nichts auffälliges Leber,nieren meine Blutwerte sind auch okay außer mein Eisen seit Jahren immer wieder aufgrund einer starken Periode
vor knapp drei Jahren 2021 im November hatte ich bereits schon mal eine Magen und Darmspiegelung aufgrund immer wieder Blut im Stuhl sowie auch Blut beim erbrechen und Husten. Da wurde so ein Bakterium in der Magenschleimhaut entdeckt und hatte da auch Antibiotika bekommen.
jetzt hatte ich gestern meinen Termin der wurde gemacht. Ich hab abgeführt so gut es ging mir das ganze eklige Zeug ausgetrunken. Leider Weise war wohl noch Stuhlreste im Darm mitten beim Eingriff, meinte der Arzt. Er meinte er konnte nicht sehen. Krebs ist es jedenfalls nicht Man hatte ein Polyp entfernt, bist ein Gewebe entnommen, um das im Labor zu untersuchen.
da in dem Schreiben drinne steht, beschränkte Beurteilbarkeit kann man sicher sein wirklich, dass da nichts schlimmeres ist kein Krebs oder so. Er meinte für die nächsten Darm sollte ich mir zehn Jahre lassen ich bin ja gerade 32 nur alte Leute kriegen Darmkrebs
sorry, aber meiner Meinung nach hat Krebs kein Alter. Ich kannte jemand, die mit 19 am Darm Krebs erkrankt ist. Jahre später starb sie, weil sie in ein Stadium war, in dem man es nicht mehr heilen konnte.
November 2021 stomach and intestinal reflection. March 2024 intestinal reflection. I don’t think it’s cancer either. I just wanted a confirmation from the doctor.
because the other organs were all right the liver, the kidneys of the abdominal fur, since everything was okay ultrasound from the chest was made due to breast cancer precaution
I’m just a scared bunny. In 2022, I had the diagnosis of severe cancer precursor uterus and this should take place as soon as possible an surgery and the doctor wanted to take the whole uterus out. Thank God this was not done only the tissue now I have to regularly control.
Maybe all this is related to my sensitive stomach. I had a couple of weeks ago nausea and daunted food that came high pain in swallowing. The doctor suspected a gastritis behind it and prescribed something to me.
now I have to take Movicol and flea seeds and drink water at least 2-3 l a day. In six weeks, I’ve got another check date to discuss this.
If this continues, my doctor said, we need to check again whether we might make a stomach reflection from above to see if there is anything irritated or inflamed. It can be if you do break off when it comes up afterwards that is all lit up
currently I also take prescribed tablets that you do not get without a prescription against heartburn and so one
I’m staying relaxed. My other organs were okay open ultrasound over two weeks ago no weight loss or comical fatigue or night sweat or so
For me it is always important because I am also the mother of three children, that I am serious about my health
Well, I’m sorry for this long text. I thank you all for your answers and for a positive feedback and so on
They can only exclude cancer when the sample has been analyzed. But don’t go crazy as long as all the other organs are okay, that’s good to fix.
Thank you, I don’t think it’s really cancer 2021 in November. He’s not even three years in March 2024. The other organs also looked good. I’m trying to stay a little positive.
You should
In my findings, there are still liquid chair remains in the COLON somewhat restricted assessment. The Colon was completely and also the terminale lleum viewed a small polyp about 5mm in rectum
Recommendation further given after receipt of histological findings, fiber rich food etc. Then I’ll just wait. Can someone tell me how long it takes to find out if everything was okay?
With regard to the tissue removed, but if it were really something bad or big, you should have seen something. Thank you all.
That’s not true. Of course, younger people also get colon cancer. But it’s more rare. These are often so general statements of doctors. However, if the intestinal mirroring did not yield cancer, I would not worry more. And if the complaints persist, keep an eye on it.
Thank you, I do that anyway when it comes to the apologise of the specialist here in Hanover at the AEGI If he hadn’t done I’m just so young no I’m staying with it and watching if that’s better. I’m supposed to take Movicol and Floh Seeds for six weeks now and go back to my internist, and that he’ll look even more with me as it goes on.
I am also only about the thirty years old and, due to similar complaints as you have, have made an intestinal reflection. I even recommended a second. There are always different opinions among doctors. I also did not recommend any reflection. Yes, stay on it and see how it develops.
You’re welcome. Yeah, I’m always happy if there’s no serious diagnosis. It’s always a great relief.
Thank you, I do. I now had two intestinal reflections within less than three years. Both had not seen anything bad until now. Of course, I’m waiting for the findings, and then I’ll take a look. I’ve been happy to see the liver and look so good.
Yes, cancer is also possible in young years.
I had that with the chair rests with a bowel reflection. I just couldn’t drink that stuff. Relationship no longer in the morning.
However, you don’t have a big choice to make an intestinal mirror again and then simply go through with the center otherwise as you have already found out, you just don’t see enough to judge that.