Wunderschönen guten Abend. Ich will mir zuhause eine kleine Schmiede Werkstatt bauen. Mir stellt sich jedoch die frage ob ich bei einer Gas-Esse (Propan) eine art Abzug brauche. Wird es gefährlich wenn ich so etwas nicht in geschlossenen räumen habe? Welche art Von Dunstabzug oder dgl. ist empfehlenswert?
Forging work has been a hobby of me for many years – Beile, Axe, Knife, Door fittings or fence elements I especially like to manufacture.
I decided against a gas-eat and for two reasons:
A gas-seed can decarbonize the material and a gas-seed allows only a certain size of the workpieces.
I was lucky to acquire a very well-preserved “field forging” which is operated with coal – it does not only counter to decarbonization, but it is also possible to process larger workpieces, also heat them locally, because a field forging is open up – but it needs a draw-off that can easily be produced with a few sheets and a stainless steel fireplace kit.
But even in the case of a gas diet, I would not give up a trigger, because even the combustion gases are certainly not health-promoting and it may be that the material is attached to oil, paint, etc., which naturally burn and whose exhaust gases you inhale.
I’ll give you an interesting link in case you need anything else.
LG tools
Thank you.
Very much.
Outdoors: Less because of the gas that burns even without a fireplace, at the right burner, low-toxic. But the substances you burn out of the iron, you don’t want to have around you all the time and inhale directly, but move a little further away. The fireplace saves the active ventilation.
I.e. fireplace or torn is recommended but not necessarily necessary? I would definitely not do the workshop outside, want to work in it in winter and summer
So in there you definitely need a fireplace and take-off outside. Because there is also a lot of moisture in the propane flakes. However, pure oxygen consumption should also require intake and exhaust air.
As far as I know you always need a deduction in gas, we once had a gas flow heater
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