Gartenschlauch hat Einstiche?
Hallo- zum x ten mal ist mein Gartenschlauch geplatzt – hab ihn dann untersucht und kleine mini Einstiche gesehen
Selbst wenn ich einen neuen kaufe ist es das selbe – sind das irgendwelche Insekten die da rein pieksen?
bitte helft mir – ich kann ja nicht ständig einen neuen Schlauch kaufen
danke im voraus 😉
for 30 years we have bought our garden hose in the garden several new ones are already bought the “billig” goods and are placed.
What do you buy I always buy Gardena Fabrics or Toom profi in trade
Please finger away from Aldi and Co amazon and other online services that keeps only one summer if we have a giant garden there you already need a taste.
Thanks for your answer 😉👍
if there is no
was, it is almost impossible that all the hoses you buy are damaged!
would be the function of this hose! I have a favorable of Norma, who has been in the garden for more than 15 years, summer and winter, and he has no single hole yet!
Thanks for your tips unfortunately it is so
Somehow it doesn’t fit together. If the hoses are always porous, they should not burst, the pressure would drive the water through the pores and the hose can be used well for permanent irrigation.
Insects weren’t, and a marten bite is very unlikely. If it wasn’t sabotage, the hose might have become very old and brittle.
Thanks for your answer – well you can’t know
Are you going over there by car? Or even trucks? Otherwise I can’t imagine. And they often survive that many times.
If it’s freezing, it might be another way. It’s not like hoses.
I’d buy another brand if you didn’t.
Did I – was so
No, no insect can stick through the rubber.
This is a production error.
I’ve never had such a hose.
What should I say?
I don’t know, I don’t have any idea how this could be so
we often had cheap sleep, but they also keep for years
Yes perhaps it is because it is
Flexible garden hose flexible water hose expandable