Garden hose does not build up water pressure, why?

Hello everyone,

While using my pressure washer, I noticed that the garden hose barely produces any pressure. In comparison, the faucets in the house have perfectly normal pressure. Does anyone know what could be causing this or how to solve the problem?

Thanks & Greetings

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1 year ago

How old is the house? Old water pipes become narrower in the course of the decades by calculation.

1 year ago
Reply to  Otto2222

actually,mmh….I read this in a sports field in one of these underground water pipes under the lawn area was a small hole, so the water pump in the cellar could not build up the appropriate pressure. For the sprinkling of the square. She jumped either too late, even during the play, but at the end the pump didn’t get out of the jets…./maybe with you in the line something similar, a tiny little defective thing you never noticed.

1 year ago

the hose cannot build up any pressure, the device must already create. If seals are broken, he won’t.

1 year ago
Reply to  Otto2222

if a seal is defective you would see it on the hose or on the device,drop or spray

1 year ago
Reply to  Otto2222

everything is possible