Garantie/ Gesetzliche Gewährleistung?
Ich habe einen Escooter vor 10 Monaten am Blaclfriday gekauft. Vor 2 Monaten hat er angefangen Probleme zumachen ich habe Ihn zur Reparatur bei Saturn eingeschickt doch sie wollen Ihn nicht auf Ihre Kosten Reparieren. Denn Sie sagen das Schutzblech des Escooters ist auch Kapput und deswegen würden sie den Motor nicht Tauschen (auf Ihre Kosten). Stimmt das?
If you have mistreated the part (e.g. more often overloaded) or had an accident with it, such damage does not fall under warranty/guarantee, but only what has to do with it. It’s hard to prove. Whether it’s worth a lawyer or a student?
Just hold a bow
Well, the protective sheet has nothing to do with the engine.
They’d have to prove you’re guilty of motor damage.
Try the central of Saturn. Otherwise, you would have to go the lawsuit.
But hurry a little. After 12 months, it looks bad.
The headquarters has no information I have to go to the store is told. He tells me that if they only repair anything at once
They don’t have to decide. You’re blaming the engine, so they got the engine to fix. The protective sheet has nothing to do with it. 👍🏻