Garantie – Autokauf?
ich habe ein Fahrzeug auf ebay kleinanzeigen gefunden, welches von einem Händler verkauft wird, der zusätzlich neben der gesetzlichen Gewährleistung noch 24 Monate Garantie auf dem Wagen gibt.
Der Händler ist allerdings 280 Kilometer entfernt.
Was passiert eigentlich, wenn es Probleme mit dem Wagen gibt? Muss man dann zum Händler fahren oder kann man in seiner Nähe in einer Werkstatt den Wagen checken lassen? Gibt es da eine Regelung? LG
This depends on what is in the guarantee terms. They’ll be free to negotiate. They’ll apply.
Mostly, it doesn’t matter what’s being negotiated there anyway. In most cases, the warranty guarantees something which is anyway covered with the warranty.
Whether in such a case you use the warranty, or warranty, is jacket like pants.
A purchase contract with your name and vehicle should be made anyway, with the note that it grants 24 months warranty.
Depends on what he understands as a guarantee, what it contains…
In any case, I would not buy a new vehicle via ebay classifieds. Go to a good, reliable garage where you can see the vehicle.
Of course:
§ 439 BGB Refilling
(1) The buyer can demand, as a refill after his choice, the elimination of the defect or the delivery of a defect-free thing.
(2) The seller shall bear the expenses necessary for the purpose of refilling, in particular transport, travel, work and material costs.
(3) 1 If the Buyer has incorporated the defective item into another item in accordance with its nature and purpose, or has it attached to another item, the Seller is obliged to replace the Buyer with the necessary expenses for removing the defective item and for installing or attaching the repaired or delivered defect-free item. 2. 442 Paragraph 1 shall apply with the proviso that, for the knowledge of the Buyer, the place of the conclusion of the contract of installation or the attachment of the defective goods by the Buyer.
(4) 1The seller may, without prejudice to the § 275 Paragraphs 2 and 3 refuse if it is possible only with disproportionate costs. 2 In this case, the value of the item in the defect-free state, the meaning of the defect and the question must be taken into account, in particular, whether the other type of post-filling could be used without significant disadvantages for the buyer. 3In this case, the buyer’s claim is limited to the other type of refill; the right of the seller to refuse this under the conditions of the sentence 1 remains unaffected.
(5) If the Seller delivers a defect-free item for the purpose of refilling, the Buyer may recover the defective item in accordance with §§ 346 to 348 demand.
You just have to go through.
Since I’m a woman and blonde to it, I’m afraid that in the case of the case, he’s gonna get a little broken.
He’ll probably, but as I said, you’ll have to go through.
What are his warranty terms? Because it comes to them.
You will find the answer in the warranty terms. Can of course ask the seller beforehand.
This is what is agreed in the guarantee.