Ganze Nacht wach wegen entzündetek Fußzeh?
Die schmerzen sind echt krass, laufen war so unangenehm die ganze Zeit hat es gepochtmhaht ihr einen Tip was ich außer desinfizieren noch machen kann? Zum Arzt würde ich auch ungerne gehen. Ich mag den nicht
It won’t be better without a doctor. It may have to be operated. If you keep waiting, it can ignite further, it can form a blood poisoning and you die.
I don’t like the doctor
Then it gets worse you will get a blood poisoning the toe or the whole foot will have to be amputated and in the worst case you will die.
It’s just an inflammation. Because my foot doesn’t fit in the shoe
It’s not too late to use a spicy nail bed inflammation. The toe must be treated with an antiseptic gel. If the wound does not cure by itself, then a surgeon must remove a piece from the nail or something from the tissue.
If you don’t do anything or treat inflammation incorrectly, then there can be blood poisoning. If the toe is blue or almost black, then an amputation could become necessary.
Maybe you want to go to the doctor now…
At one point, however, it is black under the nail but I think that is wound fluid. What should I take? We made swedish herbs on it and like zinc ointment, I stayed home after a fight with my parents. Because I wouldn’t pack the day of school, but not everyday life in a shoe
What about the word Doctor misunderstand?
I’m not going to school and because my father drives us there aren’t really going, otherwise I wouldn’t have stayed home
But you could have done it to school? All just excuses…
But I can’t go to the doctor. I don’t have a car and I don’t go by bus and my parents don’t support me there either
You have to go to the doctor. It doesn’t disappear by itself.
I don’t like a doctor. Isn’t it going home alone?
Okay, thanks
Because the toe has already ignited.
Why not?
Apply moisturizer
Salt water foot bath with vinegar
You could make a carnation of broth and rub the job with it. Carnations are locally anesthetic.
How do I have a tendency now and how long do I have to cook them to one
Well, they’re in every discounter.
Simply cook 5-10 cloves in 250ml water for 10 minutes and then cool.
Forget this natural Gedöns. It won’t help in your case anymore.
But they don’t help with really bad things. I’m more for school medicine!
Well, you really can’t compare it. Sorry, but you have no idea of natural remedies…
Yes, some think that Globuli also help:)
You need to know. 😀
It’s just a grown-in nail. Did you cut your nails recently?
So half, this is relatively far down on the nail bed, which is so flogged and then into the side but this is still stuck there and so
Hello what is this inflammation? did the nail grow? when yes this has to be fixed make several schnapps wraps around your toe that helps guaranteed
Yes the nail has grown a little bit, I have pulled the skin away and dam has ignited everything and also under the nail, damei has not even grown 1/20, it is really just such a small corner
with a fine nail file you need to get the grown-in nail out, cut regularly also helps to grow
Thank you
then do something wrong, then go some paints on foot care
I do, too, but as a rule, everything is inflamed
You have to do this regularly,
I tried and didn’t work out actually never really help long,