Ganz früh essen?
Ich muss ja Frühschicht arbeiten das heißt auch ungefähr 5:20-5:30 aufstehen, und ich hatte auch ein wenig Kreislaufprobleme. Wäre es vielleicht sinnvoll so früh etwas mehr zu essen? Zb einen Kuchen dazu ein paar Äpfel und Birnen? Denkt ihr es wäre sinnvoll was zu essen in der Früh?
Breakfast is definitely important. However, I would not recommend cakes, but rather whole grain products – which make longer rich and do not let the blood sugar level sink again so quickly.
It’s different for everyone, for example, I have breakfasts every day:) just try it out. How about a natural yoghurt with oatmeal and fruit? Maybe some nuts too? Or wholemeal bread with fresh cheese and ham (or cheese?) and some fruit and/or raw food? Or also a cereal (best without sugar added or less sugar) with milk/plant drink or yogurt. or also a few cooked eggs (you can prepare them well in the evening before)
No, that’s counterproductive.
Drinking rich enough until the first break.
Design, regularly better to the doctor.
Even I had to get out very early, but I never went out of the house without breakfast!
Some people don’t like it. Everyone like he can….
More like a porridge with fresh fruit.
You have to try it. I have breakfasted tender oatmeal with juice and buttermilk in the morning.