gaming pc, welche grafikkarte ?
hi leute ich brauch echt mal hilfe ich kenne mich nicht wirklich mit pcs aus und bräuchte mal eine empfehlung für eine grafikkarte zur info: ich habe als cpu eine amd ryzen7 5700g welche grafikkarte (im besten fall für günstiges geld) würdet ihr mir empfehlen? bei fragen zu irgentwelchen teilen einfach fragen !
on the budget, the RX 6750XT is currently the best card. The Arc B580 can also be taken in the price segment. Both cards fit the processor. The power supply then hopefully does it.
Either a rx 6750 xt or arc b580. Make sure your power supply has enough power.
would be like an ASUS GeForce RTX 4060 DUAL OC EVO
Yeah, but I wouldn’t take the 4060. The arc b580 has approximately the same performance as the 4060, but has 12 GB VRAM instead of 8 GB as with the 4060.
The rx 6750 xt is better than the rtx 4060 and comes to the rtx 4060 ti ran depending on the game.
If it is to be cheap, just look past classifieds or similar pages. Some of them have seen an RTX 2070 Super for under 200€, which is already worth 1080p gaming.
Such an RX 6600 from AMD is good for entering the 1080p gaming. Convenient, power saving and sufficient for most games.