Gaming PC bauen?
Hallo, ich will einen Gaming PC für 800-900€ bauen…
Brauch ich noch etwas zusätzliches für WLAN?
Kann man das auch im gleichen Budget mit Wasserkühlung machen oder würdet ihr mir davon abraten?
Wie viel fps erreiche ich mit dieser Konfiguration in Fortnite?
Für Tipps bin ich auch dankbar…
Vielen Dank schonmal.
I’d change a few things.
Mainboard: Rather one of ASUS or MSI (The present cannot be a Wlan)
Memory: If you prefer to take the 6000 (but not necessarily necessary)
Graphic card: I would recommend you to go to AMD Radeon RX 6750 XT or RTX 4060ti
SSD: Maybe a bit faster if it’s worth the extra charge
Fortnite on Ultra settings in Full HD should bring about 180 FPS.
Otherwise everything’s okay.
Could you please link me a motherboard like that?
In your price range, the MSI PRO B650-S Wifi is good.
How much fps does the 4060ti create in Fortnite?
Almost 10 more than the RX 6750 XT. Hard difference
Isn’t my current graphics cards good?
She’s good, but I don’t know how far you know about PCs. I would recommend only AMD and Nvidia cards
Does the AMD Radeon RX 6750 XT fit into my housing and configuration?
Oh, the motherboard doesn’t fit you in there. That’s all or in your price range. In the graphics card there are different large models
Well, it shouldn’t get over 930€…
How much € are left?
Could you please link me a graphics card that fits my case?
Thank you so much, will it fit into my configuration?
Invest the 20€ more and buy a 6000MTS CL30 Ram. At the mainboard I would have to look jetz there I can’t say how good this is but rest is acceptable for the price. Good budget-oriented build
Could you please send me the link, I can’t find him…
Thank you