Gaming Laptop oder ein Macbook?
Guten Abend alle zusammen.
Ich gehe morgen einen neuen Laptop kaufen und habe somit zwei Laptops zur Auswahl. Entweder das Macbook air m1 oder der Asus Tuf gaming a15
Ich will erstens mal das der Laptop gute Leistung hat und ich ihn lange Zeit gebrauchen kann. Ausserdem will ich auf ihm Programme wie Adobe After Effects nutzen und es wäre gut wenn es flüssig läuft.
Ich brauche den Laptop auch für die Berufsschule und zuhause zum lernen. Jedoch würde ich auch gern darauf Spiele spielen und da wäre der Gaming Laptop wahrscheinlich besser.
Die Frage ist jetzt was würde sich mehr lohnen? Falls der Gaming Laptop auch gut für Videoschnitt ist, würde ich wohl den nehmen
Depends on the application. On a Mac you won’t really be able to play. ideally install n quite normal laptop without operating system and then a light Linux distro of your choice. Has less bloatware, consumes much less resources, making things react faster and your battery is spared and all the best is that you don’t get a keylogger with installed.
What the hardware is on you have to look at what you need/will.
In this case, I would definitely recommend the ASUS laptop.
Yes, but you can really cut videos. And so I mean jz really demanding things like animation, VFX etc
Of course you can. It won’t be a problem.
So for Adobe After Effects you need on Windows or Mac min. 32 GB RAM (better 64 GB), that will not be able to afford the air
32? Do not have 16. The m1 chip at Apple is strong anyway
A little late, but the M1 chip has nothing directly to do with the memory, you can still have such a strong processor, you can still be limited by the amount of memory, but 16GB are more than enough for the normal use of after effects, the user here probably just doesn’t know how to use the software decently, or simply has no realistic experiences with it, but 16GB is more than personal ram for small / normal.
No, speak from experience…
The 16 GB would share the graphics card and the processor…
So at the end you have very little RAM….
Son Gaming laptop has a good Gpu, but the frisst accordingly also has electricity.
I would recommend a ThinkPad.
Jaa but the thinkpad really has enough power for liquid video cut
Much fun without dedicated GPU games to play or edit videos. Lenovo should be avoided at any price. The thinkpads are no longer what they were and the support is a bunch of disorientated poor people who should be redeemed from theirs. Hardly anyone can speak German, every time 20 minutes queuing, and everyone leads you because nobody has any idea of it. Until the last finally gives up and says we don’t know anything about it.
I would recommend you the Macbook on it you can also play games but it is thought to work.
I want to see you playing Cyberpunk 2077. Local.
Super recommendation without reason.
I didn’t think of something like that anymore like muck (performance)
I’m not passively aggressive I just critise your brain-cracked statement. Because a wheelchair user has been running a step himself, he can’t run for a long time
Gaming and games are different you don’t have to become so passive
You said you could play games. Then we’re not just going out from low end games. Otherwise I can claim any device can play only because Tetris is running on it
If you want to play, then yes, a gaming laptop, because a Mac Book is only for schoolwork/UNI and work, but I would say it is worth it because the keeps much longer than conventional laptops like HP.
N mac book is especially worth not for university. An average student can’t afford to buy a new device for 1500 with a small damage you could repair for small amounts, but Apple has refused to do so several times in the past.