Gallbladder surgery? Fear of death? Cholecystectomy? Percentage of deaths 0.39%?

I have an appointment for gallbladder removal under general anesthesia on January 20th. The procedure will be performed as an inpatient, likely with an abdominal incision (open surgery) due to my more complex situation. The surgery was originally scheduled to take place three weeks ago, but it was postponed due to a urinary tract infection and fever. The infection is still not completely gone, which is worrying me.

I've been told I'll have to stay in the hospital for about a week, partly because I'm taking a lot of medication. According to the hospital's quality report, the mortality rate for this procedure is lower than the national average (0.39%), which is somewhat reassuring, but I'm still scared.

The doctors say my gallbladder needs to be removed because it's full of gallstones, is no longer functioning, and medications are no longer working. If I don't have the procedure, I could develop what's known as a "porcelain gallbladder," which increases the risk of complications or even cancer. I'm currently experiencing frequent abdominal pain after eating, which I didn't have before, and could that be related to the stones?

What do you think? Should I have the surgery? What happens if I don't? Does anyone have experience with gallbladder removal?

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3 months ago

Ich denke, dass das Sterblichkeitsrisiko sehr individuell ist. Als junger Mensch wird man beispielsweise die OP deutlich besser wegstecken können als ein alter Mensch.

Ich kann dir leider nicht deine Angst nehmen. Dein behandelnder Arzt kann das Sterblichkeitsrisiko aber sicherlich besser bewerten als ein stumpfer Durchschnitt, der zu viele Einflussfaktoren ignoriert.

Ich drücke dir die Daumen 🍀

3 months ago
Reply to  bigoppi

Wie gesagt, ich kann dir leider nicht die Angst nehmen. Besprich bitte deine Ängste mit deinem behandelnden Arzt.