Were there other bands from the past, like TSS, that hardly earned anything?
For example, with Ton Steine Scherben, my Rio back then said: "We're happy if we get a hundred marks for a gig, otherwise we only play for free beer and generally free alcohol."
Despite the fact that TSS was so financially ''poor'', she is known throughout Germany and – almost – everyone should know her.
Were there other bands from Germany that a lot of people know, but that were still "poor"? Of course, they could be a bit more obscure than TSS, but they should at least be known by a few people from Germany. I mean, otherwise, you could just pick an underground punk or rock band 😀
there are many smaller bands in the metal sector that have reached a certain degree of popularity and hardly deserved anything.
Bands like e.g. Kreator or Sodom. They have been active for 40 years, while the musicians can live there from their music, but also just like that. Another similarly known band might be Tankard. They have been active for 40 years, but the musicians still work in normal jobs.
solely zb Götz Widmann, who is imemrnoch active, is more known in the case of ciffern, reasons for text.
But now he does not make any masses.
He’s coming over the rounds that he doesn’t really impoverish, so he’s more moderate.
Shaban and Käptn peng should also earn a lot.
You always think they deserve all when they appear, totally many kick unpaid on just to be known.
What makes really profit at the end has been the record sale, which is no more in this way so many can only really keep themselves when they have sponsored zb throughn label.
Music is an ungrateful brothless art, except all can go along and your lyrics are 0815 radiolike.
All that is no standard is already sorted out by the larger ones by television alone.
I glaib slime gime have never become rich with her witness
But the whole right punk bands are not rich
Fits a net to punk if zb is a shirt 70€ or the concert ticket 80€ kp but for mi costs a punk concert maximum 25€ and a shirt 15 ifs not fairttade is.
But it goes fast with the bands
First no with 2 weizer bands for 10€ and now solo for 23€