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Yes, when I was on business in the Netherlands! – I was wondering if I could be Dutch, which I truly agreed. – So you were not talking. But since I grew up in a platoon-German environment, I understood almost everything that was discussed.
Thanks for the star!
Jaa in Germany happens too often. I speak Kurmançi Kurdish, but more often even if I talk about sorani badly, I often understand it.
I brought 2 little cousins and 1 cousin to the playground, and that was a neighborhood where very many Kurds live.
Many I think I look like a Turk what the reason can be why they thought I don’t understand Kurdish, but I don’t know, maybe it was just stupidity ♀️
In any case, they have become aware of my style of clothing “Simplified”and I was talking loud about myself, but I didn’t do anything until I heard they were talking about my little cousin, who was unfortunately obstructed.
(Amputated hand)
I’m actually a patience person, but as soon as I notice you’re hacking on such disabilities, no more. I told them they were two grown-up women, and they weren’t supposed to chop around on that, and not behave like infants.
(“Xwe wek Zarôk ne bikin, ê we he nê. Ayib”)
“Don’t look like children, you have them. Without shame”)
After that, the God thanked quiet :>
Yes, there was such a moment when I was in Turkey. There were two Germans who had said insulting words about me,
but I understood them. That was the only moment in life when I understood two foreigners. Of course I wouldn’t say what they said at the time, but that had insulted me.
I have the reverse case:
Class trip to London. In the subway a man sat and read the newspaper, we made fun of his ugly socks in German.
At some point he went out and called us: “Hab studied in Germany, but thanks, I like my socks!”
Then it was embarrassing – but respect, he had us cool 🙂
Hey, you,
Yeah, that’s been happening a lot to me.
Bye Bye 👋🏼
Jaaa, on holiday were the ones who said loud that eating there really tastes hqhq
Yes, a young Frenchman who didn’t want me to know how much he stands on me… 😉
Of course
But He said lovingly about Me:-)