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zumindest wurden nationalistische Ideen in den Lehrplan aufgenommen.
Dank dieses Mannes
Sadao Araki – Wikipedia
In 1938, Konoe appointed Araki as Education Minister, to offset the influence of the Toseiha (“Control Faction”). That placed him in an ideal position to promote militarism ideals through the national education system and in the general populace. Araki proposed the incorporation of the samurai code in the national education system. He promoted the use of the official academic text Kokutai no Hongi (“Japan’s Fundamentals of National Policy”), and the “moral national bible” Shinmin no Michi (“The Path of Subjects”), an effective catechism on national, religious, cultural, social, and ideological topics. Araki continued to serve as Education Minister when Konoe was succeeded as Prime Minister by Hiranuma Kiichirō.
Kokutai – Wikipedia
Shinmin no Michi – Wikipedia
Nein, die Militaristen erlangten nie die Kontrolle über die Zivilregierung, alle zivilen Institutionen blieben von der totalitären Fraktion unberührt