Has there ever been a person in the world who was cured of rabies?
As far as I know, the disease is always fatal if the symptoms appear
As far as I know, the disease is always fatal if the symptoms appear
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I have a 2.0 average. My voluntary social year starts in September, and I plan to take the TMS (German Vocational School) exam in November. I'll also apply through the lottery system, and if that still doesn't work out, I'll start an apprenticeship (probably as a technical assistant, but I'm not sure yet). Do I…
https://psytest.psy.med.uni-muenchen.de/wtests.html#:~:text=Vocabulary tests%20capture%20the%20crystallized%20verbal, of the%20general factor%20g%20of%20intelligence
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only fourteen people were documented to have survived a rabies infection.
14 documented after the occurrence of symptoms.
The finality after the outbreak of the disease should be 100%. But only with 20% of the infected, the disease also breaks out.
but very rarely there is a spoon